CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Membrane-free Low cost high Density RFB


Nachhaltige Batterietechnik zur kostengünstigen Speicherung erneuerbarer Energie

Redox-Flow-Batterien sind eine vielversprechende Technologie für die Speicherung erneuerbarer Energie. Hindernisse wie teure und knappe Materialien, die kurze Lebensdauer der Katalysatoren sowie die Komplexität und Sicherheitsprobleme des Systems haben jedoch die Einführung in den Massenmarkt verhindert. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MELODY möchte eine nachhaltige Technologie für Redox-Flow-Batterien entwickeln, welche die Kosten für die Stromspeicherung bis 2030 deutlich senken wird. Dazu wird das Projektteam eine einzigartige Strategie zur dreifachen Kostensenkung auf das Standardkonzept der Redox-Flow-Batterien anwenden und gleichzeitig die technischen Probleme der aktuellen Technologie ganzheitlich angehen. Diese Arbeit wird den Weg für eine umfassendere Integration der erneuerbaren Energien in den europäischen Energiemix ebnen.


Redox Flow Batteries (RFB) are a key enabling technology for the energy transition. Mass market introduction of RFB’s has been hampered by various factors – material scarcity and cost (e.g. vanadium-based RBF), limited catalyst lifetime, membrane costs, system complexity and safety issues. The development of an economically viable, environmentally benign and sustainable redox-flow battery (RFB) storage systems is therefore eagerly awaited. The MEmbraneless LOw cost high DensitY RFB (MELODY) project will develop a sustainable RFB technology that is able to reduce the costs of electricity storage to an absolute minimum, even below the 0.05 €/kWh/cycle by 2030 as set out in the SET plan. MELODY employs a unique triple cost reduction strategy on the conventional RFB concept while tackling all major technical issues in an integrated manner. The three key elements are 1) A membraneless flow battery concept 2) the choice for hydrogen and bromine 3) Simplified system design.
This approach will results in the realization and operation technology for a practical membraneless H2-Br2 redox flow battery at industrially relevant scale (based on dedicated Cell, Stack and Balance of Plant development and piloting). Hereby MELODY will improve all elements that will be limiting after successfully eliminating the membrane (Electrode and electrolyte development, sustainability and techno-economic assessments). With an unrivalled low Levelized Cost of Storage MELODY’s solution is best positioned to change storage from a pure cost factor into a valuable business cases and will enable a wider integration of renewables in the European energy mix. To successfully complete all objectives as set out in the call, MELODY brings together a world-class consortium of SME’s (Elestor, PV3 Technologies, Vertech), industry (Shell) and academic leaders (TU Delft, Technion, University of Exeter, ETH Zurich) that has all required know-how and capabilities to complete the project.


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€ 897 697,50
2628 CN Delft

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West-Nederland Zuid-Holland Delft en Westland
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 899 947,50

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