CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Future propulsion and integration: towards a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FUTPRINT50 (Future propulsion and integration: towards a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-07-01 bis 2023-06-30

The impact of climate change is becoming clearer every day. However, we live in a world that continuously grows closer together and the related steady growth of the aviation sector aircraft (A/C) requires big technological leaps to reduce emissions.
Flightpath 2050 identified the need of new propulsion and integration technologies.FUTPRINT50 main ambition was to contribute to carbon-neutral growth by accelerating the entry-into-service (EIS) of commercial hybrid-electric up-to 50-seat A/C by 2035. The challenge was to make informed design decisions considering the multiple and often conflicting interests and objectives simultaneously. The achieved objectives:
• open reference for a 50-seat hybrid-electric regional A/C
• models, methodologies, open datasets and tools for evaluating feasibility and multi-fidelity trade-offs of architectures and key technologies
• open source tool for system- and A/C-level integration and technological, economic and risk assessment
• energy storage models and pack solutions suitable for hybrid-electric regional flight up to TRL3
• propulsion-related energy harvesting technologies up to TRL4
• thermal management integration solutions and models up to TRL3/4
• creation of roadmaps
The roadmaps for technology and regulatory aspects as the final objective summarize a vast part of the work done within the FUTPRINT50 project, outlining the way forward to make a hybrid-electric 50pax regional A/C reality.
First focus was to establish the reference baseline for the project. FP50 produced reference, open, TLAR, coupled with different missions, enabling evaluation of concepts at A/C and for different airline profiles. To further support benchmarking, a conventional 50PAX ref. A/C was also created and made available.
Figures of Merit (FoM) were developed, enabling trade-off assessments and comparisons, as well an initial overview and evaluation of different energy management strategies for hybrid-electric A/C.
A new methodology for A/C design and design space exploration based in set-based design was proposed, that enables fast exploration of what-if scenarios. In combination with the decision-making environment it was possible to explore and find answers to the questions raised in A/C assessment and the test matrix. The source code is available through the FUTPRINT50 GitHub channel.
An integrated design, simulation and analysis platform for the evaluation of specific energy systems was developed and implemented.
The energy storage focused on the battery technology. A new battery design methodology and corresponding models have been developed. They consider: electro-thermal design, battery lifetime, but also the battery safety. The design methodology also includes fast calculation surrogate battery models.
For energy harvesting, the modelling of propulsive and regenerative propulsion modes is well under way. Wind-tunnel experiments with an isolated propeller were conducted. After examining the findings, augmented wind-tunnel experiments with installed tip-mounted propeller configuration have been carried out. Also, the application of novel techniques for acoustic data processing have been investigated.
The technology assessment for the thermal management system has been completed. From there, the first set of requirements are derived. Integrations tools for the electric power train were demonstrated.
The model-based engineering approach was adopted for the integration of electric motors and propellers and also battery sizing. The time domain simulations and sizing simulations for the components of electric power distribution were presented. Gas turbine models, electric machine models, and power electronics model maps for design and off-design were provided as a dataset.
The overall A/C assessment was carried out. First, an extensive initial sizing was performed to investigate a multitude of hybrid-electric architectures and their potential performance. On this basis, a configuration was selected which was investigated. By developing a sizing tool, the A/C was properly sized and its performance estimated, including high-fidelity surrogate models to represent novel subsystems and to assess potential synergies.
Performing focused design sensitivity studies, the impact of different technologies and technology levels onto the A/C performance were investigated.
FUTPRINT50 evaluated the A/C through FoM, including emissions and operating costs. FoM can be easily adjusted for different objectives, allowing for optimization beyond CO2 focus. The evaluation based on the FoM yields a total improvement of 19.5%. Breakdown analysis reveals a notable improvement in NOX emissions, which show an 80.9% enhancement.
Experimental validation of technologies were performed for batteries, and for propeller aerodynamics. Safety experiments were performed to study the thermal runaway A first mechanical model has been defined for a battery. In the latter, wind tunnel experiments were performed for aero-acoustics analysis of propeller-wing interaction and wing-tip propeller effect.
In addition, a roadmap for regional hybrid-electric A/C has been produced, emphasizing on the key enabling technologies and their interactions. The roadmap shall connect with other colleagues in industry and academia, with members of the Commission and public. See
Finally, a decision-making software environment has been developed to facilitate an interactive visualization of multidimensional data with multiple views. Available through the FUTPRINT50 GitHub channel.
The FUTPRINT50 project excelled in developing a versatile communication strategy, reaching a diverse range of audiences. The strategy effectively reached the scientific community, commercial stakeholders, industrial representatives, policy makers, regulatory bodies, and the general public.
FUTPRINT50’s multifaceted approach achieved extensive outreach and made a noteworthy impact.
The results lead to a clear design process which includes means of developing the entire powertrain and a corresponding A/C design. The FUTPRINT50-Roadmap ( was created to make clear where future challenges lie to successfully implement hybrid-electric propulsion into regional aviation.
Up to now, there has not been a systematic and in-depth scientific exploration and assessment to establish a research platform to build a range of future systems on. FUTPRINT50 has filled this gap by providing scientific analyses and modelling of hybrid-electric propulsion and power generation and its integration on an A/C level.
FUTPRINT50 has significantly advanced critical key technologies and contributed to reduce emissions and A/C dependence on fossil fuels. This leads the way to the goals of Flightpath.
The open-source integrated tool environment offers a way from initial assumptions, via the preliminary sizing and subsystem development to the overall A/C design. By means of sensitivity studies and the FoM, powertrain architectures and overall A/C designs have been evaluated on the basis of criteria that can be adapted for different use cases. This establishes a way to evaluate hybrid-electric A/C designs.
In addition, FUTPRINT50 has established a strong international collaboration network. This helps creating disruptive concepts for hybrid-electric A/C. The FUTPRINT50 Academy helped to prepare professionals for the future challenges.