CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Copper-Based Flow Batteries for energy storage renewables integration

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CUBER (Copper-Based Flow Batteries for energy storage renewables integration)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-07-01 bis 2022-06-30

The EU is at the forefront of the fight against climate change, exemplified by the targets sets in the Paris Accord and the EU 2030 Climate & Energy framework, and the goal of a zero carbon, sustainable economy. These goals can be only achieved with a higher share of renewable energy, which being mostly of an intermittent nature, require innovative energy storage solutions deployable at large scale. In particular, a vast capacity of stationary energy storage has to be created, and Redox Flow Batteries (RFBs) are one of the best technological solutions to provide it. However, multiple hurdles have to be overcome to make such deployment possible; they are of different nature, ranging from technical aspects related to performance (e.g. long cycle life or electrolyte composition optimization) to economic ones (e.g. the need to reach a competitive levelized cost of energy and to raise vast capital sums), and from environmental issues (e.g. toxicity and recyclability) to security of supply (e.g. dependence on critical raw materials from outside of the EU or on a shallow market dependent on the production of a by-product of a non-related material).

The development and deployment of CuBER as a cost-effective energy storage solution will clearly help to achieve the ambitious EU renewable energy target of 32% by 2030; consequently, it will also support achieving the EU climate goals by supporting the decarbonization of the energy sector, as well as improving air quality.

The CuBER project will combine the application of new technologies in the field of Redox Flow Batteries, Electrochemistry, Electronics, Sensors, Process Engineering, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoTs) and Solar Power Technologies, to develop an integrated solution able to ensure a continuous supply of electricity for residential self-consumption in smart buildings and/or energy communities equipped with PV solar panels with the objective of increasing the share of renewables in urban areas while reducing costs for the end users. This solution will allow to calculate when is the best time to store, sell to the grid and/or consume the renewable energy produced in house, considering the users demand profiles and also other external factors like weather forecasts, grid demand and energy price.
In the first period, components to be used in a lab-scale RFB unit were identified, characterization techniques have been defined for each of them and optimization studies for performance and costs have been performed.

A large number of tests for a single cell have been performed, and the design and manufacturing activities for a short stack and full stack have started.
Activities towards system integration of the short stack and full battery have been performed: selection of a converter system, simulation and analysis of the battery management system, thermal management system and the hydraulic system.

A range of sensors and actuators to monitor the system have been evaluated and a preliminary architecture of the IoT platform and modules has been defined.

Data collection and its analysis for life cycle analysis, life cycle cost and life cycle inventory has started, and a preliminary review of the legislative obstacles and issues at national and/or European levels that may impede to implement CUBER’s technologies/products has been developed.

In the second period, commercial materials have been characterized through physicochemical and electrochemical analysis, and new membranes have been investigated.

A methodology for connecting and assembling the components of the RFB cell and the production method for the stack components have been developed.

A short stack has been produced through milling and an initial design for the injection process has been completed. The short stack testing has started.

An inverter system and BMS communication have been established. A hydraulic system and a thermal management system design have been completed.
100 cycles with accelerated testing for a single cell have been performed. The results show good results towards achieving the goals of the project: the design of a 5kWDC CuRFB with a DC efficiency greater than 80% (without pumping losses) and greater than 70% (with pumping losses), and energy density of up to 30 Wh/L.

CUBER RFB is based on an abundant material (copper) for which the EU has a strong value chain, and avoid materials, such as vanadium, lithium or cobalt, which the EU has deemed critical because of high risk associated with their supply.