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Intelligent debt recovery platform.


Schulden intelligent eintreiben

Inkasso von Finanzschulden wird durch künstliche Intelligenz eher beeinträchtigt, da Banken und andere Finanzinstitute über große Mengen historischer Aufzeichnungen über ihre Kunden verfügen. Das von der EU finanzierte Programm Cortx ist eine intelligente Plattform zu Beitreibung von Schulden, auf der Insolvenzdokumente automatisch verarbeitet und analysiert werden, um das Ergebnis von Inkassomaßnahmen zu verwalten und vorherzusagen. Cortx steigert die Effizienz, reduziert die Zahlungsausfallraten und verbessert die Nettogewinne für alle Interessengruppen im europäischen Insolvenzsektor. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, den Stand der notleidenden Darlehen weltweit zu reduzieren, indem es die maschinelle Intelligenz auf dem Insolvenzmarkt etabliert.


Cortx is an intelligent debt recovery platform that automatically processes and analyses insolvency documents to administer and predict the outcome of debt recovery. Through machine learning Cortx increases efficiency, reduces default levels and improves net margins for all stakeholders in the European insolvency sector.
Cortx is designed to be used by insolvency practitioners, credit management firms, and creditors, including financial institutions, local governments, and utility companies. Cortx will generate revenue through a per-case fee model, with a fixed fee charged upfront for every new case onboarded. A recurring per-case per monthly fee is also charged for the ongoing use of analytics and forecasting algorithms on all live cases in a firm’s portfolio. Commercialisation in the UK personal insolvency market will be targeted first, followed by European and North American personal insolvency markets.
Our vision is to reduce the level of non-performing debt on a global scale by bringing machine intelligence to the insolvency market. We aim to be the central data manager for the insolvency market allowing real time transfer of information and documentation with a fully auditable and compliant core. The proposed project will enable us to expand into EU markets, by undertaking in-depth market research, devising a market entry strategy for EU countries, and consolidating strategic partnerships necessary for European commercialisation. It will also allow us to further develop Cortx from its current stage by optimising technical aspects and developing its predictive functions, localising it for EU markets and running a pilot with potential customers in these new markets. At the end of the project we will be ready to commercialise Cortx in our go-to-markets of the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

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€ 50 000,00

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Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).

Ireland Northern and Western Border
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00