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The first manufacturing process to obtain reduced graphene oxide at large-scale

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - perGOla (The first manufacturing process to obtain reduced graphene oxide at large-scale)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-10-01 al 2020-03-31

What is the problem/issue being addressed?
To be able to supply rGO and GO in required quantities and quality at prices acceptable to customers maintaining a good profit margin.

Why is it important for society?
Graphene materials show tremendous potential to improve a range of products but is yet not available at required costs.

What are the overall objectives?
To become established as the number 1 supplier of rGO and GO too industrial customers in Europe and World-wide.

The goal of the perGOla project is to help commercialise Abalonyx’s rGO graphene derivative and accelerate its market entry. The project aims to reduce the production costs of rGO to <400 €/kg and increase its production scale to 120kg/day (30 tonnes/year) by 2027 though the first industrial automated manufacturing process. In addition, the production line will need to be highly reliable, outputting consistently high-quality products, and flexible to deliver tailored products particularly with respect to C/O ratio.
The key objective of Phase 1 of perGOla project is to complete a technical and commercial feasibility study for the scale-up and commercialisation of Abalonyx’s rGO production process. Through a desk-based exercise a number of technical approaches and variables have been considered and costed to produce a detailed approach for further development and evaluation in the second phase of this project. Relationships with key customers have been further developed and the output from these discussions used to develop the technical and commercial plans. A market access report and detailed financial modelling have also been undertaken leading to an updated and enhanced Business Plan.
During pergola phase 1 project we have carried out a technical and commercial feasibility study. This has enabled us to update our Business Plan and decide where to focus our efforts towards successful scale-up and exploitation of GO and rGO production. No direct exploitation and dissemination have been performed during this desk based study however we have successfully engaged with a number of companies who we will work with to exploit the technology.
We believe our approach to manufacturing and focus on supply of industrial grade GO and rGO is world leading.Our internal know-how allows us to supply consistently good quality products and is confirmed by our strong customer relationships. Witin the second phase of perGOla project we intend to trial automated production lines which will enable us to become the first volume supplier of true industry grade rGO and GO.