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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

ECOFIPS: Ecological Fibres for Insulation, Pulp and Substrate


Revolutionäre Technologie für Bioraffinerie verwandelt Biomasse in umweltfreundliche Fasern

Täglich werden enorme Mengen Biomasse und landwirtschaftlicher Reststoffe verbrannt oder auf den Feldern liegen gelassen bis sie verrotten. So werden große Mengen an CO2 freigesetzt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ECOFIPS entwickelt ein revolutionäres Verfahren der Bioraffinerie, in dem anfallende organische Reststoffe so aufbereitet werden, dass sie in verschiedenen Branchen wieder als Rohstoff eingesetzt werden können. Vor allem werden 100 % der übrig gebliebenen Biomasse in Lignozellulosefasern umgewandelt, aus denen sich hochwertige Produkte herstellen lassen, beispielsweise in der Papier- und Verpackungsindustrie oder in der Dämmstoffproduktion. Durch die Wiederverwendung der Biomasse in Produkten wird das CO2 im Material gebunden und gelangt nicht in die Atmosphäre. Dies bildet eine solide Grundlage für eine neue biobasierte Kreislaufwirtschaft.


At the time of obtaining fibres for industries as the one of cardboard/paper, Substrates or insulation materials, alarming issues arise regarding its production or extraction. On respect of paper and carboard, this has a Carbon footprint of 1Kg/Kg, on top, carboard intended for packaging contains mineral oils saturated hydrocarbons and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons. With respect of insulation materials, polystyrene foam for instance has a CO2 footprint of 7-14 CO2/kg, glasswool and rockwool 1,1-1,5 kg CO2/kg which at the end of their life-span these materials, turn into special treatment waste. Substrate market landscape is not much better: peatlands are dramatically destroyed, impairing their carbon sink function. NewFoss (Uden, The Netherlands) developed a biorefining process, NewFoss ECOFIPS which converts 100% of the residual biomass to ligno-cellulose fibre to make high value products. The patented biorefining process is energy/CO2 and water neutral treating organic residue streams, such that they can be used as raw materials. This way, we will develop the business and value chains for fibre intended for paper and packaging (NFF-Pulp), substrate/potting soil (NFF Substrate), insulation panel material (NFF- Iso), and fertilizer. Many industries/consumers at the EU can benefit from all these advantages incorporating an innovative and competitive process to its production, saving money from a circular economy perspective and a sustainable and non-toxic point of view. Global landscape for molded fibre, has a big CAGR with a 6.8% (2017-2022). On respect to the Insulation Materials Market is supported by a CAGR of 6.2% . The worldwide market for Potting Soil is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 2.8% over the next five years. ECOFIPS project has a budget of 1.4 M and will need two years to be performed. ECOFIPS will supposed to NewFoss, in five years’ time, a total turnover of 116M with a ROI of 10.

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