CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

PexyEazy® - an innovative surgical device for treatment of haemorrhoids.


Schnellere und einfachere Hämorrhoidenbehandlung statt konventioneller Chirurgie

Hämorrhoiden sind Cluster aus Gefäßgewebe, glatter Muskulatur und Bindegewebe im Analkanal. Sie verursachen typische Symptome wie Schwellung, Blutung, Juckreiz und Unwohlsein, und sind eine der häufigsten Erkrankungen. Trotz niedriger Sterblichkeit ist die Lebensqualität erheblich eingeschränkt und kann in schweren Fällen nur noch operativ wiederhergestellt werden. Seit zehn Jahren hat sich statt herkömmlichem Schneiden oder Heften die Mukopexie, die rektoanale Hebung des Hämorrhoidenprolapses, als chirurgische Strategie etabliert. Das Projekt PexyEazy hat dieses Verfahren nun einfacher, schneller und kostengünstiger gestaltet, da keine Vollnarkose mehr nötig ist und das kleine Einmalprodukt PexyEazy® innerhalb von Minuten den gleichen Effekt wie eine Mukopexie erzielt. Mithilfe von EU-Finanzmitteln wird das System nun für die spätere Markteinführung in der Klinik getestet.


Haemorrhoids is recognized as one of the most common medical conditions in general population, effecting up to 33% of the population under the age of 50 and up to 50% of the global population over 50-years old. Haemorrhoids are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels found inside or around the bottom (the rectum and anus). They occur when the rectal mucosa falls down from its normal position, causing problems like bleeding, soiling, itching and soreness, redness and swelling. Currently available treatments like surgeries are highly invasive and are associated with postoperative pain, high frequency of relapse, stenosis (narrowing of rectum), faecal or air incontinence and long recovery time (up to 1 month). In severe cases, surgery is the only option and modern surgical treatments focus on preserving and restoring the haemorrhoids, but they are still very expensive and not affordable for almost all population affected. Developeration has developed PexyEazy®, a novel medical device aiming to revolutionize the surgical treatment of haemorrhoids. The single-use, small (<26mm in diameter) device is based on a well-documented treatment method called mucopexy by which the haemorrhoid is lifted back to its normal position by applying running sutures in the mucosa above the haemorrhoid. This reduces the swelling of the haemorrhoid and the symptoms disappear. With PexyEazy®, haemorrhoid operations can be performed without the requirement of general anaesthesia, with less postoperative complications and in only 10 minutes, resulting in significant cost savings of 70% each procedure. During the phase 1 project, a go-to-market strategy and a supply chain will be established, as well as further development plan will be drafted. Within the overall innovation project, Developeration AB will conduct clinical trials with hospitals in Sweden, where they will initially market their product, along with scaling up for commercialization.

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€ 50 000,00
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€ 71 429,00