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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Highly Automated Air Traffic Controller Workstations with Artificial Intelligence Integration

Descrizione del progetto

Soluzione di riconoscimento vocale nell’aria

La sicurezza è la massima priorità per il settore dell’aviazione. I continui progressi tecnologici rendono più facile mantenere al sicuro equipaggi e passeggeri. Uno di questi sviluppi è la tecnologia di riconoscimento vocale automatico che può diminuire il carico di lavoro dei controllori del traffico aereo e ridurre al minimo l’errore umano. Tuttavia, il riconoscimento vocale che trasforma la parola in testo rimane limitato a causa delle difficoltà nel distinguere gli accenti dei controllori e le deviazioni dalla terminologia standard. Il progetto HAAWAII, finanziato dall’UE, studierà e svilupperà una soluzione affidabile, resiliente agli errori e adattabile in grado di trascrive automaticamente i messaggi relativi ai comandi vocali sia dei controllori di volo che dei piloti. Il progetto utilizzerà un’ampia raccolta di dati per sviluppare una nuova serie di modelli per ambienti complessi di islandese in rotta e nella TMA di Londra, concentrandosi sul rafforzamento dei modelli di riconoscimento vocale.


Advanced automation support developed in Wave 1 of SESAR IR includes using of automatic speech recognition (ASR) to reduce the amount of manual data inputs by air-traffic controllers. Evaluation of controllers’ feedback has been subdued due to the limited recognition performance of the commercial of the shell ASR engines that were used, even in laboratory conditions. The reasons for the unsatisfactory conclusions include e.g. inability to distinguish controllers’ accents, deviations from standard phraseology and limited real-time recognition performance. Past exploratory research funded project MALORCA, however, has shown (on restricted use-cases) that satisfactory performance can be reached with novel data-driven machine learning approaches.
Based on the results of MALORCA HAAWAII project aims to research and develop a reliable, error resilient and adaptable solution to automatically transcribe voice commands issued by both air-traffic controllers and pilots. The project will build on very large collection of data, organized with a minimum expert effort to develop a new set of models for complex environments of Icelandic en-route and London TMA. HAAWAII aims to perform proof-of-concept trials in challenging environments, i.e. to be directly connected with real-life data from ops room. As pilot read-back error detection is the main application, HAAWAII aims to significantly enhance the validity of the speech recognition models. The proposed work goes far beyond the work planned for the Wave 2 IR programme and will improve both safety and reduce controllers’ workload. The digitization of controller and pilot voice utterances can be used for a wide variety of safety and performance related benefits including, but not limiting to pre-fill entries into electronic flight strips and CPDLC messages. Another application demonstrated during proof-of-concept will be to objectively estimate controllers’ workload utilising digitized voice recordings of the complex London TMA.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 520 000,00
51147 Koln

Mostra sulla mappa

Nordrhein-Westfalen Köln Köln, Kreisfreie Stadt
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 520 000,00

Partecipanti (6)