The presence of varicose veins is one of the most common medical conditions, affecting approximately 25% of the adult population. Foam sclerotherapy is the most widely used treatment given its favourable efficacy and safety profile coupled with its simplicity and relatively low cost. Foam sclerotherapy requires the transformation of a sclerosing drug into foam, prior to its application. Current manual foam preparation techniques present important limitations in terms of quality, standardization, consistency, versatility and safety. The VARIXIO® device automates this process, standardising and greatly simplifying foam preparation, while adding quality, safety, and versatility to the treatment technique. Our solution will successfully solve the existing limitations of current foam preparation techniques, contributing to achieve an effective treatment for a wider spectrum of varicose vein types, as well as facilitating the work of health personnel in the application of the treatment. VARIXIO® will expand the use of foam sclerotherapy, improving the procedure and making it more convenient and efficient, resulting in higher product performance and significant indirect cost savings.