CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

UnRaveling the molEcular baSis Promoting Candidatus BrocadIa as the doMinant anaMOX genus in wastewater treatment plants


Verständnis der biologischen Eigenschaften von Anammox-Bakterien

Um ein Fischsterben zu vermeiden, müssen Ammoniak und andere Stickstoffverbindungen menschlicher Ausscheidungen in Kläranlagen restlos entfernt werden. Anammox-Bakterien können die nötigen Umwandlungen vollziehen. Allerdings befinden sich weitreichende technologische Anwendungen immer noch in der Forschungsphase, da es an molekularen Studien mangelt, die zum Verständnis dieser Bakterien und ihres Verhaltens beitragen. Es ist schwierig nachzuvollziehen, wie die verschiedenen Anammox-Bakterien ihre einzigartigen ökologischen Nischen finden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt RESPIMMOX zielt auf ein besseres Verständnis der biomolekularen Eigenschaften des Anammox-Bakteriums Candidatus Brocadia ab, die wichtigste Anammox-Art in Kläranlagen, die die Leistung von Bioreaktoren verbessert. Das Projekt wird eine mit Ca. Brocadia angereicherte Annamox-Kultur mit hohen Zellkonzentrationen entwickeln. Außerdem wird es die Proteinkomplexe bestimmen und charakterisieren, die am Energiestoffwechsel des Anammox-Bakteriums Ca. Brocadia beteiligt sind.


The finding of anammox bacteria brought up the possibility of achieving energy-self-sufficient wastewater treatment plants for nitrogen removal, but their widespread technological application is still under research. The lack of pure cultures, standard cultivation methods and comprehensive genetic data make the molecular research on anammox bacteria challenging, and thus, there is a critical absence of molecular studies to understand how these bacteria make a living. One of the current challenges of anammox bacteria research is to understand niche differentiation, meaning how and why different anammox species find their unique ecological space. RESPIMMOX project aims to understand the biomolecular characteristics of anammox Ca. Brocadia that trigger their niche differentiation as the main anammox genus present in wastewater treatment plants, to improve the efficiency and stability of bioreactors. We will obtain biochemical evidence of the membrane-bound protein complexes involved in the electron transport chain of Brocadia-species, and investigate the soluble yet-unidentified enzymes responsible of the nitrite reduction. We will follow a complexome profiling approach combined with enzymatic activity assays, as commonly performed with Dehalococcoides mccartyi in the host laboratory. RESPIMMOX project will be accomplished through three specific objectives: i) achievement of an anammox Brocadia-enriched culture with high cell concentrations; ii) training of the researcher in biochemical methods to characterize respiratory complexes using the respiration with halogenated aromatic compounds as an example; and iii) identification and characterization of the protein complexes involved in the anammox Ca. Brocadia energy metabolism. The results from this proposal will entail a step forward for the understanding of anammox niche differentiation, specifically of the dominance of Ca. Brocadia in bioreactors, and will contribute to unravel the puzzle that anammox bacteria pose.


€ 162 806,40
04318 Leipzig

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Sachsen Leipzig Leipzig
Research Organisations
€ 162 806,40