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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Product validation of Software Defined Radio Chip for RRH that supports multiple frequency channels and ranges from Sub-6GHz to millimetre waves (mmWave)


Verbesserte Mobilfunkabdeckung mit neuartigem Chip

Der fortschreitende Übergang zur Technologie für virtualisierte Funkzugangsnetze hat den Bedarf an neuen 5G-Kommunikationslösungen geweckt. Um der steigenden Nachfrage nach hohen 5G-Funktionen gerecht zu werden, muss die Mobilfunkabdeckung in Innenräumen verbessert werden. Dies kann mithilfe von Remote Radio Heads (RRH) erfolgen, die in mehreren Frequenzbändern arbeiten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Siklu entwickelt einen Chip für softwaredefinierten Funk zum Einsatz in RRH, der mehrere Frequenzkanäle unterstützt und einen Wellenlängenbereich von unter 6 GHz bis zu Millimeterwellen abdeckt. Der Chip für softwaredefinierten Funk gewährleistet künftige Flexibilität sowie Skalierbarkeit und ersetzt über zehn vorhandene Chips. Die Kosten werden um 80 % gesenkt. Das Projekt bietet eine flexible, optimierte und kostengünstige Lösung für eine verbesserte Mobilkommunikation im Innen- und Außenbereich.


In order to meet the demanding needs of the high 5G capabilities, massive indoor deployment is needed for cellular coverage. This is achieved through Remote Radio Heads (RRH) working at multiple frequency bands – a key component of the 5G infrastructure market (~$10B by 2023). With the ongoing transition to V-RAN (cloud) based network architecture, there is a strong need for new flexible, optimized and cost-effective solutions that will enable the eco-system with sustainable business cases and ROI.
To meet this need, Siklu is developing a Software Defined Radio (SDR) Chip for RRH that supports multiple frequency channels and ranges from Sub-6GHz to millimetre waves (mmWave). This highly integrated chip replaces more than 10 existing chips, cuts cost by 80%, and provides future flexibility and scalability, disrupting price and performance for indoor and outdoor RRH at any combination of mmWave, sub 6GHz frequencies and channel bandwidths. This game changer chip is based on Siklu’s unique, patent pending architecture.
Siklu will utilize the 5G SDR chip for RRH for its internal portfolio of products, as well as sell the chipset, reference design and firmware / software to ODM / OEM building variety of indoor / outdoor products and solutions. The 5G SDR RRH will be developed in close alignment with lead customers and partners, who will be the first customers for a rapid volume ramp-up. Participation in o-RAN and other eco-system forums will help to accelerate the adoption and deployment of this technology.
During phase one of this project, Siklu will complete analysis of both the technological feasibility and economic viability of 5G SDR RRH product, based on extensive market validation process. The purpose of this validation process is to assess all technical and business aspects and conclude the final requirements and specs of this disruptive technology / product with a viable business opportunity, including a strong EU perspective.

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€ 50 000,00
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€ 71 429,00