Scientists in academia and industry who perform R&D in nature, life sciences, agro, biotech and material science disciplines are facing problems related to novel commercially available synthetic molecules. Novel molecules are expensive to develop also the process is very time consuming. Applying robotics, particularly developing the novel Robotic Synthesis Farm (RoboSynFarm) the high throughput production capacity could be sharply increased yielding not only a large number of novel molecules but also reducing the price and having great impact on the R&D outcome. Any solution reducing costs or speeding up R&D obstacles have major impact and positive outcome directly and indirectly to the society. The RoboSynFarm could indirectly improve the world by supplying the molecules for R&D as they are vital for science progress, innovation in the XXI century and discovery of new biological active compounds combating many diseases, new diagnostic tools used in clinical practice for humans (or livestock), new molecules for bio, nano, material sciences (liquid crystals, solar elements, organic batteries, catalysts etc.) in EU and around the world.
The main objective of the RoboSynFarm feasibility study is to critically evaluate the RoboSynFarm business profit growth including market potential.