Entwicklung kleiner Molekül-Inhibitoren auf Basis von MEIS-Proteinen
Das Gen MEIS1 (myeloid ecotropic viral insertion site 1) wurde als eine der Virusintegrationsstellen bei myeloischen Leukämiezellen identifiziert und wird mit der onkogenen Transformation in Verbindung gebracht. Sein Produkt, das MEIS1-Protein, fungiert als Co-Faktor der Homöodomänen enthaltenden Transkriptionsfaktoren, die während der embryonalen Entwicklung an der Steuerung zahlreicher Prozesse beteiligt sind. Jüngste Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass MEIS-Proteine mit einer herabgesetzten Herzregeneration, einer verminderten Proliferation von Stammzellen sowie dem Fortschreiten von Krebs in Zusammenhang stehen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MEISi unterstützt das Vorhaben des Biotechnologie-Start-ups Meinox, kleine Wirkstoffinhibitoren aus dem MEIS-Protein zu entwickeln, das bei der Behandlung von Myokardschädigungen, Knochenmarkinsuffizienz und Krebs ein entscheidender Faktor sein könnte. Momentan arbeitet Meinox an einer Durchführbarkeitsstudie und einer Risikoanalyse. Außerdem will es einen stabilen Kommerzialisierungsplan ausarbeiten.
MEISi is the first innovative product of Meinox as a druggable substance, owing to its years of research on MEIS biology (published in prestigious journals like Nature and Cell Stem Cell, and PCT patented - pending national entry in 44 countries). Meinox targets the deadliest noncommunicable diseases (NCDs); cancer, CVDs and diabetes, together accounting for nearly 71% of all deaths globally. Never ending efforts and global targets in tackling these diseases show the importance of the development of more effective therapeutics.
MEISi is a druggable target-based small molecule, developed and validated by Meinox. MEISi inhibits the activity of MEIS protein which plays a critical role in cell metabolism and associated with NCDs. The benefit it presents to the targeted drug discovery market is to provide tools to modulate molecular mechanisms of the NCDs. The massive sizes of oncology and cardiovascular drug markets (USD $ 29.3B globally) indicate the significance of the small molecule drug discovery market which motivates Meinox to target €10M market share in 3 years after commercialization.
Meinox is a deep-tech startup established in 2018 with the main focus on novel and high-level pharmaceutically active ingredients. The company aims to research, develop, produce and market first-in-class, selective drug-like small molecule inhibitors of MEIS, PBX and TGIF2 proteins and their co-factor HOXA9.
Meinox aims to conduct a feasibility study with a risk analysis based on different market regulations. In order to improve the commercialization plan, potential customers of MEISi will be identified and strategies will be developed for each segment by defining proper channels for the MEISi product family. Market entry strategy will be validated by performing market analysis and competitive benchmarking in the target markets.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- medical and health sciencesbasic medicinepharmacology and pharmacydrug discovery
- natural sciencesbiological sciencescell biologycell metabolism
- medical and health sciencesclinical medicineendocrinologydiabetes
- medical and health sciencesmedical biotechnologycells technologiesstem cells
- medical and health sciencesclinical medicineoncology
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SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Koordinator
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