Descripción del proyecto
Estudio de nanomateriales de compuestos de estructura laminar desajustada
Los compuestos de estructura laminar desajustada son una clase relativamente nueva de nanomateriales que consisten en láminas moleculares con diferentes composiciones químicas y periodicidades que se apilan de forma alterna. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos PROMISES incluirá trabajos experimentales y teóricos para obtener más información sobre la estructura y las propiedades (opto)electrónicas de estos nanomateriales. En concreto, combinará la microscopía electrónica de alta resolución, la espectroscopia fotoelectrónica de rayos X y la imagenología de catodoluminiscencia. Los métodos de caracterización avanzados brindarán datos valiosos que servirán de base para simulaciones «ab initio» de esta clase de nanomateriales.
The novel class of nanomaterials made from misfit-layered compounds offers intriguing properties. However, due to the complex, non-symmetric, structure of the misfit-layered compounds even down to the atomic scale, the analysis of these nanomaterials is a highly challenging task. Our PROMISES proposal will allow to reveal the structure and (opto)electronic properties of these nanomaterials (especially 1D nanomaterials) by combining an experimental and theoretical approach. The experimental analysis comprises advanced electron microscopy and spectroscopy at high spatial resolution as well as related experimental techniques, such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence, all of which will be applied to analyse individual nanostructures. The obtained experimental results, particularly once the atomic structure has been revealed, will serve as a basis for the theoretical analysis that will be conducted via ab-initio simulations using the time-dependent variant of the density functional theory. We especially strive for studying these 1D nanomaterials under external stimuli such as elevated and liquid-nitrogen temperature and biasing to assess their properties under application-relevant conditions by employing in-situ electron microscopy. With this approach, we intend to fully reveal the structure and properties of the nanomaterials, which will be of great interest to a broad audience and potentially fuels their application. The work will be carried out by an experienced researcher with a strong background in methodological development of electron microscopy who will diversify and enhance his competences by means of an experimental analysis of the novel class of nanomaterials and by acquiring skills in computational physics. In addition, our PROMISES proposal will strengthen the collaboration between the hosting institutions and enable the main hosting institution to reinforce crucial competence in nanofabrication and ab-initio simulations.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinador
50009 Zaragoza