Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ICone (ICone: a novel device to scale up robotic rehabilitation and unlock the potential of motor recovery for stroke survivors.)
Berichtszeitraum: 2019-11-01 bis 2020-02-29
Heaxel developed the ICone, the first portable medical robotic device cleared for use also outside the hospital, even at the patients’ home premises (CE medical device, lass IIA).
ICone robots are connected into the IConeCloud architecture, with a centralized data management system. The IConeCloud is the first network of rehabilitation robots, distributed over rehabilitation hospitals, ambulatories, and physiotherapy gyms. Thanks to its wide accessibility and an affordable pay-per-use business model, ICone is the ideal tool to enable the continuum of care paradigm for stroke patients’ and represents an effective answer to chronic patients, who might have no further access to rehabilitation treatments. Heaxel is now working towards a pilot study for clinical validation of the IConeCloud and its large-scale deployment. Key objectives of the development are 1) hardware and software optimization for large scale deployment, 2) validation of the IConeCloud ecosystem in operational conditions through a pilot clinical trial; 3) set-up of a large-scale production line; 4) update CE mark certification for IConeCloud ecosystem.
By creating a capillary network of rehabilitation robots, enabling affordable stroke rehabilitation, ICone will address the call of the World Health Organisation (WHO) for an improved rehabilitation offer. Intensive rehabilitation is key to stimulate “cortical plasticity” of stroke patients and ensure proper motor recovery, even in chronic patients, i.e. long-term patients that are currently not anymore treated, also due to shortage of financial resources. ICone is poised for reducing disability, enabling independent living, and thus reducing direct and indirect costs of reduced mobility. Moreover, it will increase the quality of life of people with stroke and their families and caregivers.