Descripción del proyecto
Estudio del alcance del populismo
El objetivo del proyecto financiado con fondos europeos INT-NAT es estudiar el complejo vínculo entre el populismo de derechas en el sur de Asia y las redes internacionales que han contribuido a su éxito. En este sentido, se prestará especial atención a las redes populistas del sur de Asia en el Reino Unido y los Estados Unidos, y se estudiarán dos grupos, a saber, las conexiones de los partidos políticos gobernantes de India y Pakistán. El equipo de INT-NAT utilizará múltiples metodologías para estudiar la diversidad dentro de estos grupos y examinar las diferencias intergeneracionales entre los miembros más jóvenes de los grupos y los miembros de las sociedades estudiantiles universitarias de la India y Pakistán. La relevancia de este trabajo radica en el auge del populismo en diferentes zonas del mundo, lo que conlleva la premura de examinar potenciales redes transnacionales.
The Inter-Nationalist explores the complex nexus between right wing populism in South Asia and the global networks that have contributed to its success, as well as their implications for populism in the Global North. The urgency of this project is evident in the rise of populism in different parts of the world, necessitating an exploration of transnational networks. The uniqueness of this project is its focus on South Asian populist networks in the UK and US. The study focuses on the Indian ruling political party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in relation to its international affiliates the Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP), and the Pakistani ruling political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and its Office of International Chapters-PTI (OIC-PTI), as located in London and New York. The study makes an innovative contribution to major EU policies including ‘crisis management in fragile countries’, ‘combating discrimination’, ‘justice and fundamental rights’, ‘foreign affairs and security’, and ‘gender equality’. The project uses mixed methods with the objective to map horizontal and vertical trajectories of these network thereby creating a multidimensional framework, to examine diversity within these groups in relation to gender, religion, ethnicity, caste, class, sect and sexualities, and to explore intergenerational differences through younger members of these groups and members of Indian and Pakistani university student societies. The study also examines support of such groups for populists in the UK and US. Trained as a qualitative researcher focusing on securitization and education in the UK and Pakistan, the ER will expand her interdisciplinary skills across Sociology, International Relations, Political Science and Human and Political Geography. She will publish three journal articles and a monograph, with the aim of expanding this research through future grants, and securing a tenure-track job.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinador
30123 Venezia