CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Peer to peer learning in regional and local authorities to timely and accurately define, monitor and verify their sustainable actions


Kommunale und regionale nachhaltige Energie- und Klimaschutzmaßnahmen

Kommunal- und Regionalbehörden müssen ihre nachhaltigen Energie- und Klimaschutzmaßnahmen genaustens festlegen, kontrollieren und demonstrieren, um deren Effektivität zu steigern. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts ENERGee Watch soll der Wissensaustausch für kommunale und regionale Organisationen und Netzwerke unterstützt werden. Dabei sollen Erkenntnisse darüber gewonnen werden, wie unterschiedliche nachhaltige Energie- und Klimaschutzmaßnahmen kontrolliert und beurteilt werden. Die Forschungsgruppe wird auf vorhandenen Plattformen arbeiten und Untersuchungen einschätzen sowie eine Bedarfs- und eine Lückenanalyse erstellen, um die besten verfügbaren Lösungen zu empfehlen. Danach werden die Forschenden Behörden und deren Netzwerke auswählen und sie einem der sieben Mentoren von ENERGee Watch zuordnen. Der Wissensaustausch umfasst die Datenerhebung, -überwachung und -überprüfung, die Indikatoren für die Anpassung an den Klimawandel sowie die Datendarstellung für die Endnutzung.


The overall aim of ENERGee Watch is to enable peer to peer learning for regional and local authorities in order to precisely define, monitor and verify their sustainable energy and climate actions. Its main target are associations and networks of cities and regions and the learning process will be focused on how different sustainable energy and climate mitigation projects have been monitored and evaluated. Primarily, we will build on existing platforms and needs assessment surveys to perform a needs assessment and gaps identification with public bodies for learning and match these needs with available best practices. Then, public authorities and their associations and agencies will be selected and matched with one of the seven mentors who are all partners of ENERGee Watch. The learning program will be divided into four modules that include: i) data collection, ii) monitoring and verification, iii) indicators for adaption to climate change, iv) data display, dissemination and validation by final users (local authorities). ENERGee Watch will launch 4 modules per year (one per each topic, twelve in total) with a total of 72 participating mentees, which are all associations or networks which can distribute the knowledge further to their members.
The added value of ENERGee Watch is that the learning program is not limited to a capacity building process but instead enables networking and examples from practice shown on the field. In the first step of each cycle - the masterclass - each participant can choose the learning objectives they want to accomplish in order that their progress can be tracked, and thus transparent standards will be set. The learning program will ideally result in improved policies and MRV standards, as well as partnerships for innovative sustainable energy policies and MRV practices.

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€ 315 487,50
1043 GR Amsterdam

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West-Nederland Noord-Holland Groot-Amsterdam
Research Organisations
€ 315 487,50

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