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Summary of communication actions within AEON project
Concept of Operations Final versionThis deliverable will be the final version based on SPRINTEROPOSED Template Part I Solution description
Intermediate Dissemination ReportSummary of communication actions within AEON project
Model for optimal allocation of towing vehicles to flights both at the strategic and tactical phase of the operationsModel for optimal allocation of towing vehicles to flights both at the strategic and tactical phase of the operations taking into consideration speed targets
Description of the final validation platformThe document will describe the specific developments and the upgrades integrated in the simulation platform to demonstrate AEON concepts
Safety Assessment ReportA part of the specification of a new concept of operation concerns the identification of safety and performance requirements To identify such requirements SESAR Safety Reference Manual and Guidelines will be used a b As a first step safety criteria and safety objectives in terms of functionality and performance for the new concept of operation will be identified The completeness and correctness of the identified safety objectives wrt the safety criteria will be checked After that based on the identified safety objectives safety requirements for specific system components in terms of functionality and performance in the concept of operation will be derived both for normal and abnormal operational conditions In addition safety objectives in terms of the tolerable probability of occurrence of operational hazards will be determined For this all operational hazards will be first identified both for normal and abnormal operational conditions Based on these safety objectives safety requirements eg in terms of tolerable probabilities of failure of different system components will be derived In the demonstrator preliminary safety risk assessment will be performed to determine to which extent the identified safety requirements could be attained For this SESAR Safety Reference Manual and Guidelines will be used a bRefsa SESAR Safety Reference Material Edition 40 April 2016httpsstellarsesarjueujspprojectqprojectjspobjId179508913resetHistorytruestatInfoOgpdomainNamesaasb SESAR Guidance to Apply the Safety Reference Material Edition 30 April 2016httpsstellarsesarjueujspprojectqprojectjspobjId179510213resetHistorytruestatInfoOgpdomainNamesaas
HP Assessment ReportHuman performance is a key component in the assessment of a new concept of operations In this task following the plan previously defined and according to the reached maturity level the human impact and the impact on the human performance is assessed This will include both qualitative and quantitative data for example workload and situation awareness perception direct observation data and feedback from debriefinginterviews may be collected during the scenarios moreover data coming from the usage of the supporting tools developed for supporting the operation can be analysed to support and complete the assessment
Representative use casesWe will use the T13 concept of operations and further interviews with ATCos to define specific usecases that would be well suited to design and assess a supervision HMI The use cases will feature nominal and nonnominal situations and involve strong collaboration between controllers
Models and algorithms for autonomous and non-autonomous taxiing operationsMulti agents models and algorithms for autonomous and nonautonomous taxiing operations
Supervision HMI and interactionThis task consists in designing and implementing several interactions for supporting taxiing supervision with an emphasis on autonomous behaviors and collaboration support We will conduct design sessions internally and with stakeholders ATCos Tower Chiefs building on the state of the art from T11 The results will help us validate our designs and the simulation scenarios iteratively The deliverable will sum up the process the different workshops results the design directions explored and the final design
Final Project ReportA publishable report of the research activities will summarize key findings as well as it key achievements towards the European ATM Master Plan
Concept of Operations Initial versionThis deliverable will be an initial version based on SPRINTEROPOSED Template Part I Solution description
Solution Assessment PlanThis task will define an assessment framework for the overall concept of operation This will includethe definition of the specific operational scenarios for autonomous and nonautonomous taxiing including nominal and non nominal situationsthe identification of the key performance indicators for the Capacity Efficiency Cost Human Performance and Safety areas and their related data sourcesspecification of success criteria for each indicatorThe plan will be defined according to the reached maturity level of the AEON concept
Description of the first validation platformThe document will describe the specific developments and the upgrades integrated in the simulation platform to demonstrate AEON concepts
State of the art- State of the art on collaborative HMIs (ENAC) The AEON solution will involve collaboration between human actors and support automation as well as between human actors. This state of the art will set the starting point for WP3 implementation. - State of the art on multi agent systems and operational research for fleet management (TUD) This task will set the starting point for WP2 implementation. Both state of the art tasks will be summed up in a single deliverable.
Cost AssessmentTask 55 CostBenefit Analysis for an autonomous aircraft based electric taxi system TUDM10M22In this task we develop a cost benefit analysis CBA model for an airline equipping an aircraft with an autonomous etaxi system Next to the investment in the electric motor control equipment and APU modifications we look at the operational costs caused by a higher weight of the aircraft during cruise which is dependant on the number of flights and the distance flown per The benefits mostly caused by lower taxi fuel and engine maintenance savings are based on the number of turnarounds per year and the taxi duration per flight This can then be done for a single aircraft but also expanded to an entire fleet using the flight schedule for an airline Finally a model will be made that assigns equipped and non equiped aircraft to flights in the schedule to optimize the fuel savings taking into account the availability of an nonautonomous system at one or more of the visiting airportsTask 56 CostBenefit analysis for nonautonomous electric taxi systems TUDM10M22In this task we analyze the cost of the required airport infrastructure to enable nonautonomous electric towing Having as input the towing routing solutions and the assignment of the fleet of towing vehicles solutions in WP2 we develop a mathematical model that optimizes the required number of charging stations at the airport that can support a day of operations Further we estimate the cost of setting up this minimum required charging stations at the airport and the total cost of the electricity used by the towing vehicles The power of the electric drive train is a main driver for the acceleration maximum speed and speed driving up a slope Further we develop a CostBenefit Analysis CBA of implementing electric towing versus classical taxi at an airport In particular we tradeoff between costs for the airport to implement the required infrastructure and the expected fuel and maintenance cost savings and environmental benefits achieved when using electric towing For this analysis we use existing generic CBA tools eg the Airport Benefit Cost System implemented in the Aviation Planning Economics Suite c as well as the Value Operations Methodology VOM developed at TUD in conjunction with some of the extended aviation cost models already available
This deliverable will evolve during the lifetime of the project in order to present the status of the project's reflections on data management. It will be based on the H2020 template
Mathieu Cousy, Vincent Peyruqueou, Christophe Pierre, Priou Cyrille, Dong-Bach Vo, Jérémie Garcia , Mitici Mihaela, Simon Van Oosterom, Alexei Sharpanskykh, Malte von Der Burg, Paul Roling, Elisa Spiller,Samuele Gottofredi, Paola Lanzi
Veröffentlicht in:
Toward Sustainable Aviation Summit (TSAS) 2022
Simon J. van Oosterom, Mihaela Mitici and Jacco Hoekstra
Veröffentlicht in:
AIAA AVIATION 2022, 2022
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