CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Girolamo Cardano: Philosopher of Threat


Eine genauere Analyse über den Vater des Risikomanagements

Als einer der prominentesten Naturphilosophen, die während der modernen römischen Inquisition mit Gefängnis und Prozess konfrontiert waren, hinterließ Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) eine detaillierte Schilderung des menschlichen Unglücks. Cardanos Ideen, die in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts weithin gelesen wurden, erstreckten sich über zahlreiche Disziplinen – von der Mathematik, Medizin und Astrologie bis hin zur Natur- und Moralphilosophie. Trotz der Fächervielfalt führten Cardanos Projekte und Interessen alle zu einem einzigen Prinzip: Die Menschen leben in einem Netz von Gefahren, von körperlichen Krankheiten und Unfällen bis hin zu Zufallsereignissen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt THREAT wird eine Anatomie der Bedrohung in Cardanos Werk erstellen, seine Ansichten zur Naturphilosophie als Antwort auf die Bedrohung analysieren und untersuchen, wie die Zensur durch die römische Inquisition eine Kritik an seinen säkularen Expertenansätzen zur Bedrohung darstellte.


Throughout Europe and the Americas, we find the expert knowledge of traditional state and scientific institutions—the expert management of risk and otherness—doubted and undermined by groups questioning its hidden motives and meanings. The current project addresses the deep history at play in our conceptions of threat and individual agency in managing threat. It will examine the works of Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576), as well as his Roman Inquisition documents, in order to chart an early-modern transformation of great significance: the shift in the management of threat from spiritual expertise to secular expertise. Girolamo Cardano was the most widely-read natural philosopher of the latter sixteenth century. His literary output and fame stretched across numerous disciplines—medicine, astrology, natural philosophy, moral philosophy, mathematics—and his ideas continued to exert major influence well into the seventeenth century. As diverse as his projects and interests were, a common theme unites them: the individual, by Cardano’s reckoning, lives in a network of danger, from bodily illness and accident, to chance events, to faults of intellect and memory, to the vagaries of human passion. In a recent study of his Inquisition trial, I have examined the place of Catholic doctrine in his astrology and celestial physics, and the key points of criticism leveled at Cardano by the Holy Office. This project would build from that foundation, significantly expanding and deepening its results. Assisted by tools from the digital-humanities, it will establish an anatomy of threat in Cardano’s work, analyze his views of natural philosophy as a response to threat, and examine how his censorship by the Roman Inquisition represented a criticism of secular expert approaches to threat.


€ 183 473,28
30123 Venezia

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€ 183 473,28