Descripción del proyecto
Fomento de la participación de las pymes en auditorías energéticas
Las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes o SME, por sus siglas en inglés) suponen el 99 % de todas las empresas europeas y tienen un potencial de ahorro de energía significativo. Con todo, las pymes no logran poner en práctica medidas de ahorro energético debido a la falta de conocimientos, tiempo y financiación. El proyecto GEar-at-SME, financiado con fondos europeos, respaldará el papel de un socio de confianza local que trabajará para cerrar la brecha entre pymes y proveedores de servicios energéticos al emplear un enfoque colectivo y local basado en múltiples beneficios. Se beneficiarán trescientas pymes por ubicación (Alemania, Italia, Países Bajos y Rumanía) y otras seiscientas ubicaciones tras la finalización del proyecto. El objetivo general del proyecto es lograr que las pymes sean plenamente conscientes del gran número de ventajas que suponen las auditorías energéticas.
The untapped potential of energy efficiency will be addressed by the GEAR@SME consortium by substantiating the role of a local Trusted Partner to bridge the gap between SMEs (demand side) and suppliers of energy services toward SMEs (supply side) such that SMEs will effectively undergo energy audits and implement energy saving measures. The Trusted Partner will be supported by the GEAR@SME methodology, which aims to catalyse the implementation of energy efficiency measures by taking a local, collective approach based on multiple benefits, tailored to the specific locality. After demonstrating the effectiveness of the common methodology in four use cases, large-scale rollout will be supported by an online platform offering documentation, stand-alone tools, and an interactive platform to support a Community of Practice for Trusted Partners. The GEAR@SME methodology will be tested and validated in four countries (Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Romania), reaching out to a minimum of 300 SMEs per location. While four locations will be targeted within the project as use case, another 80 locations will be reached through the communication and exploitation activities within project lifetime. Beyond project lifetime, another 600 locations will be reached through dissemination events and the online portal. The GEAR@SME consortium has extensive expertise on activating, organising and enabling SMEs to take energy efficiency actions, from concept to validation to implementation. The team includes research organisations (TNO, C-MAC), consultancies with expertise on SMEs and energy efficiency (CIT, CCS). Validation of the methodology will be carried out by CCS, C-MAC, BEA and SERVELECT all of whom have track records in engaging with SMEs on energy issues. Finally, an exploitation strategy and further roll out will be carried out by SYNYO and multiplier organisations (CNA, CLOK and TUCN).
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Convocatoria de propuestas
Consulte otros proyectos de esta convocatoriaConvocatoria de subcontratación
Régimen de financiación
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinador
2595 DA Den Haag
Países Bajos