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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Photocatalysis in Drug Discovery - Asymmetric Preparation of Bioactive Chiral Lactones and Cyclohexanols


Die Wirkstoffentdeckung in neuem Licht

Die chemische Grundlagenforschung gewinnt für den komplexen Vorgang der pharmazeutischen Wirkstoffentdeckung zunehmend an Bedeutung. Doch die chemische Synthese chiraler Verbindungen, die Motive mit biologisch aktiven Molekülen gemeinsam haben, ist nach wie vor eine Herausforderung. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts PHOTO-CYCLE ist es, eine schnelle Methode zur Herstellung architektonisch komplexer chiraler naturähnlicher Verbindungen in einem Schritt zu entwickeln. Die Forschungsgruppe wendet die organische Katalyse und Fotochemie an, zwei Strategien mit enormem Potenzial für die nachhaltige Erstellung neuartiger organischer Moleküle. In Kombination mit biologischem Screening wird die entwickelte Technologieplattform den Erfolg bei der Ermittlung der Strukturen von Wirkstoffkandidaten steigern und zudem zu Innovationen in der pharmazeutischen Industrie beitragen.


We are in a changing era for drug discovery: the growing perception is that basic chemical research will play a greater role in pharmaceutical development. One current challenge is to develop a new kind of chemistry that yields a screening collection of optimal chiral molecules that increase the probability of success in identifying drug-candidate structures. PHOTO-CYCLE seeks to provide some solutions by developing effective technology to rapidly generate, in one single step, architecturally complex chiral natural-like compounds. Specifically, we will use photochemical organocatalytic cascade processes to synthesise polycyclic lactones and polyfunctionalized cyclohexanols, which are common motifs in biologically active molecules. We will combine asymmetric organocatalysis and photochemistry, two powerful strategies of modern chemical research. They have extraordinary potential for the sustainable preparation of novel organic molecules, which are needed to drive innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.
PHOTO-CYCLE aims to combine the fellow’s experience in allene chemistry and organocatalysis and the host’s experience in photo-triggered asymmetric processes to develop otherwise unachievable catalytic asymmetric cascade reactions. Specifically, we will focus on the rich reactivity of excited chiral iminium ions to activate readily available allenes and trigger cascade processes. The resulting strategies will be used as an ideal platform for assembling libraries comprising chiral polycyclic lactones and cyclohexanols, which, along with biological screening carried out in collaboration with Lundbeck A/S, will increase the probability of success in identifying drug-candidate structures.
The multi-cultural and intersectorial nature of this project will greatly contribute to broaden the fellow’s competencies and will place him in a competitive position for the next career move.


€ 160 932,48
43007 Tarragona

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Este Cataluña Tarragona
Research Organisations
€ 160 932,48