CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Regulation of plant development and crop management through chloride nutrition: a novel tool to improve water- and nitrogen-use efficiency


Neue Methoden verbessern Einsatz von Wasser und Stickstoff

Immer häufiger kommt es zu Phasen extremer Trockenheit – eine Bedrohung für die globale Ernährungssicherheit. Gleichzeitig werden Gewässer durch die exzessive Stickstoffdüngung verschmutzt und auch bei der Herstellung der Düngemittel fallen hohe Energiekosten und große CO2-Mengen an. Darum muss der Einsatz von Wasser und Stickstoff in der Landwirtschaft dringend optimiert werden. Jüngsten Erkenntnissen zufolge ist Chlorid (Cl-) sehr gut als Makronährstoff für das Pflanzenwachstum geeignet, obwohl es zuvor als giftiges Ion gegolten hatte. Im EU-finanzierten Projekt ChlorPlant soll nun eine völlig neue Kombination verschiedener Methoden an Tomatenpflanzen getestet werden. Ziel ist, Grundlagenerkenntnisse darüber zu gewinnen, wie Chlorid die Wirkung von Wassereinsatz auf Pflanzenwachstum, Photosynthese, Rigidität und Trockenheitstoleranz reguliert.


Drought greatly reduces crop productivity and global food security, and is becoming more frequent and severe under climate change. Excessive nitrate fertilization is the main source of water pollution, and due to the enormous energy and carbon cost of industrial fertilizer production, is a major cause of global warming. Therefore, it is critical to understand how to optimize the use of water and nitrogen for plant production and crop yield. Chloride (Cl−), although traditionally considered a toxic ion for agriculture, has emerged as a beneficial macronutrient for plant growth due to its roles in water relations and photosynthesis, recently discovered by the host group. The current project proposes a unique integration of approaches (from molecular to ecophysiological) in tomato, a model crop of great economic value, with the aim to enhance fundamental knowledge of how Cl− modulates the effects of water management on plant development, photosynthesis, turgor maintenance, yield and drought resistance. Our major objectives are to provide new knowledge on i) the role of Cl− homeostasis on plant development, and ii) its relevance on plant improvement of water- and nitrogen-use efficiency, and iii) transfer this knowledge to the practical management of a crop. These objectives will integrate state-of-the-art process-based models of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance into a mechanistic whole-plant model that includes frontline phenotyping. This novel and multidisciplinary project will be carried out by an applicant with strong scientific expertise in plant molecular physiology and agriculture, who perfectly matches the proposed project, and it will be implemented in a laboratory with an internationally recognized excellence in the study of crop water stress and precision agriculture. This combination provides a unique scientific platform for the research training of the applicant and the development of frontline research in Plant Sciences and Agriculture.


€ 259 398,72
28006 Madrid

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Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Research Organisations
€ 259 398,72