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Depicting the richest source of pathogen linked miscellaneous gene expression in orphan crops by Nanopore.

Descripción del proyecto

Por qué una especie de pimienta es resistente a las enfermedades

«Piper colubrinum», que se utiliza para curar el panadizo interdigital, es un pariente lejano de las especies cultivadas de pimienta negra («Piper nigrum»). «P. colubrinum» es resistente a las enfermedades, pero «P. nigrum» (una valiosa especia) no. Faltan datos validados sobre la secuencia del genoma de ambas especies. Además, todavía no comprendemos el motivo exacto por el que «P. colubrinum» posee esa resistencia. El proyecto OCNANO, financiado con fondos europeos, utilizará MinION, un dispositivo portátil en tiempo real para la secuenciación de ADN y ARN, con el fin de responder a esas preguntas. En particular, comprobará los transcriptomas de ambas especies «Piper». Asimismo, utilizará una captura basada en matrices para identificar la expresión génica de patógenos durante las infecciones. El proyecto también comparará análisis de la expresión génica de «P. nigrum» y «P. colubrinum» durante infecciones.


Modern agriculture is dominated by crops noticeable for intense food supply leaving behind a class of neglected or orphan crops. Relatively poorly studied orphan crops have the potential to diversify the human diet, increase agricultural food productivity levels and enable more sustainable and resilient agro- and horti-food systems. Here, we focus on two such crops-Piper nigrum (black pepper) the most important spice traded internationally and Piper colubrinum, a wild relative of black pepper introduced from Brazil, which is the only known source of resistance to diseases such as foot rot or quick wilt caused by an Oomycete Phytophthora capsici. Negligible genome sequence data exists for either species. Although agricultural practices for making P. nigrum resistant to this Oomycete by interspecific hybridization with P.colubrinum are well known, no effective strategies have been generated yet. The exact reason behind the resistance of P.colubrinum is not yet understood, thus leaving open a fertile area of investigation.With this background, OCNANO aims to reveal the basis of pathogen resistance that distinguish resistant from susceptible species of Piper. We will employ Oxford nanopore MinION technology to address this issue with three specific objectives:(1) Annotate the transcriptomes of P.nigrum and P. colubrinum; (2) Identify pathogen gene expression during infection using a capture array; (3) Comparative analysis of P. nigrum and P. colubrinum gene expression during infection. Innovative strategies like nanopore in combination with other sequencing approaches can transform annotation and enable the richest understanding of gene expression during pathogen attack. Research progressing towards the rescue of such orphan crops from their environmental stresses, by applying leading edge technologies, can further enhance crop productivity, food security, knowledge based economy and society and contribute to the achievement of several UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 224 933,76
DD1 4HN Dundee
Reino Unido

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Scotland Eastern Scotland Angus and Dundee City
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 224 933,76