CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Revolutionary Opéra-Comique in Scandinavia: Transfer and Repertoire


Die Opéra-comique in Dänemark, Norwegen und Schweden

Während der Französischen Revolution war die Gattung der Opéra-comique mit ihren gesprochenen Dialogen und Arien eines der wichtigsten Ausdrucksmittel der öffentlichen Meinung. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt RevolutionaryOpScan wird nun untersuchen, welche Wirkung die revolutionären Ideen aus Frankreich über dieses Repertoire speziell in skandinavischen Ländern entfalteten. Das heutige Dänemark, Norwegen und Schweden wurden in den Napoleonischen Kriegen, die auf die Revolution von 1789 folgten, nie von den Franzosen erobert. Davon ausgehend will das Projekt nun historische Belege für Aufführungen der Opéra-comique zwischen 1789 und 1815 in diesen drei Ländern sammeln. Entstehen soll eine offene Online-Datenbank, in der die Informationen anderen Forschenden erstmals frei für statistische Analysen zur Verfügung stehen. Zudem wird das Projekt anhand der Informationen in der Datenbank bestimmen, wo, wann und wie oft revolutionäre Stücke in Skandinavien aufgeführt wurden.


Scandinavia provides a particularly interesting case for the study of the impact of French revolutionary theatre. The Scandinavian countries (today’s Norway, Denmark and Sweden) were never invaded by the French during the Napoleonic wars that followed the Revolution of 1789, but these countries were nonetheless strongly affected by revolutionary ideas, in some cases experiencing profound constitutional upheavals. The project examines the impact of ideas from the French Revolution in Europe, by focusing on the intriguing case of the Scandinavian countries and by centring on the largely under-studied literary and musical phenomenon of opéra-comique. Opéra-comique, a very special and hugely popular form of musical drama mixing song and spoken dialogue, was one of the most popular forms of theatre and one of the most important means of expression of public opinion during the French Revolution. Yet this kind of theatre has received little attention in scholarship, be it from historians, musicologists, or literary scholars. The project builds on multidisciplinary approaches and recent work on opéra-comique during the French Revolution in order to examine the impact of the French revolutionary ideas through this repertoire in the case of the Scandinavian countries. The project includes the collection of historical performance evidence for opéra-comique in Sweden, Denmark and Norway for the period from 1789 to 1815. Through the establishment of an open online database, the project will make this information accessible for statistical analysis by scholars for the first time. On a conceptual level, the project will use the information gathered in the database to establish where, when, and how often revolutionary pieces were staged in Scandinavia. The project will also set out questions on the adaptation and modification of this repertoire in Scandinavian context. This will lead to new knowledge and pave the way for similar studies on a European level.


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€ 303 238,08