Descrizione del progetto
Uno sguardo più attento alle alleanze di gruppi che differiscono per potere
Che cosa sappiamo di come le azioni collettive sfidano lo status quo e plasmano gli atteggiamenti? Quali processi psicologici portano al cambiamento sociale? Il progetto JointActionEff, finanziato dall’UE, risponderà a queste domande concentrandosi sui contesti intergruppo di uomini e donne, nonché di bianchi e neri negli Stati Uniti e di ebrei e palestinesi in Israele. Condurrà otto studi che combineranno ricerca archivistica, esperimenti di laboratorio e metodologie di intervento. I risultati faranno luce sul perché e sul modo in cui l’azione comune è efficace e se questa influisca sul cambiamento sociale verso la parità tra i gruppi. Secondo il progetto, le alleanze tra gli americani bianchi e neri, e gli israeliani e i palestinesi sono uniche perché coinvolgono membri di gruppi che differiscono per potere.
The last century has been characterized by the growth of grassroots social movements and large-scale collective action aimed at advancing equality, some of which has involved historically advantaged and disadvantaged groups acting together. Such alliances, e.g. those between White and Black Americans and Israelis and Palestinians, are unique because they involve members of groups that vary in power. Nonetheless members from each group have joined forces to promote social change toward equality. While there are reasons to believe that such ally-ship may be especially influential in creating actual change and motivating others to support social change, there is little research aimed at understanding whether joint action is more effective than action taken by the disadvantaged alone, and if so why. These questions are pivotal because it helps to answer the broader question of whether joint action, as a rare situation of inherently unequal group members cooperating despite the larger scale conflict between them , is actually worth the effort. While past work has focused on understanding the psychological antecedents of joint action, this proposal shifts the focus to understanding whether and how joint action is effective, that is, whether it affects social change towards intergroup equality. To these ends, a cutting-edge research programme is proposed consisting of 8 studies combining different methodologies (archival research; lab experiments, intervention) and focusing on three intergroup contexts: Whites-Blacks in the U.S.; men and women; and Jews and Palestinians in Israel. The proposed project will enhance knowledge about the psychological processes through which collective action can generate social change and succeed in shaping attitudes and motivating multitudes to challenge the status quo.
Campo scientifico
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinatore
91904 Jerusalem