Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BIENVENUE (Welcoming highly-talented international post-docs in Brittany)
Berichtszeitraum: 2020-11-01 bis 2022-10-31
Since November 2020, Région Bretagne is implementing the H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2019 BIENVENÜE project with a wide consortium of partner institutions, including the major part of Breton laboratories. The COFUND action has been identified as a structuring opportunity for the Breton R&I ecosystem: a support of the work by research institutions engaged in the HRS4R process, for diffusion of MSCA good practices, and a new visibility and attractiveness of Breton scientific communities thank to the MSCA label. Moreover, by orientating towards a contribution of all funded projects to the regional R&I S3, the BIENVENÜE project should help to maximize the implementation of this regional strategy.
The objectives of the BIENVENÜE programme are the following:
- develop a knowledge-driven economy with international recognition and local identity
- reinforce human capital of the region in R&I
- maximise RIS3 implementation by heightening research excellence, cross-sectoral innovation, and collaboration between academic, non-academic and policy makers, thus stimulating regional development
- Reinforcement of research and higher education system upstream and fostering of a favourable environnement for innovation downstream
- Attract skilled individuals to sustain innovation and strenghten collaboration among takeholders to stimulate innovation at the regional level
The BIENVENÜE project aims for fellows to foster scientific independence and maturity and to develop transversal professional skills and furthering new opportunities. On the programme level, the BIENVENÜE project should enhance the regional HR potential, boost the regional R&I community and its international visibility, while strenghtening practices of participating organizations with principles set out by the EU for human resources development in research and innovation.
Over the two first years of the implementation of the project, the most important result is the funding of 56 research projects over the 2 first calls. 28 projects have begun between October 2021 and January 2022, while the 28 projects funded in call 2 will begin between September 2022 and January 2023. On the long-term, several fellows have been recruited as permanent researchers before the end of their fellowship within Breton laboratories.