This project addressed advanced compression techniques for moving video and still picture coding for teleconferencing applications. After reviewing state-of-the-art techniques and requirements, the project objectives were to:
-Achieve very high compression rates for videoconference-grade image motion with good resolution and quality. Advanced intraframe and interframe compression techniques were investigated, including orthogonal transform coding algorithms.
-Achieve high picture quality and resolution for still-picture coding in order to reproduce business graphs, technical drawings, and photographs.
-Define a proposal for a standard for moving image codecs.
The project addressed advanced compression techniques for moving video and still picture coding for teleconferencing applications. After reviewing state of the art techniques and requirements, the project objectives were to:
achieve very high compression rates for videoconference grade image motion with good resolution and quality (advanced intraframe and interframe compression techniques were investigated, including orthogonal transform coding algorithms);
achieve high picture quality and resolution for still picture coding in order to reproduce business graphs, technical drawings, and photographs;
define a proposal for a standard for moving image codecs.
Advanced algorithms were selected, defined and tested by computer simulation. Impressive simulation results were demonstrated of the real time transmission of moving images over a 64 Kbit/s link. This technique, fully implemented, would allow the use of integrated services digital network (ISDN) as a carrier for setting up videoconferences.
Advanced algorithms were selected, defined and tested by computer simulation. Impressive simulation results were demonstrated of the real-time transmission of moving images over a 64 Kbit/s link. This technique, fully implemented, would allow the use of ISDN as a carrier for setting up videoconferences.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Data not availableAufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
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91620 Ville du Bois