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EUropean QUalification Approach for Low EnrIched Fuel sYstems for secure production supply of medical isotopes

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EU-QUALIFY (EUropean QUalification Approach for Low EnrIched Fuel sYstems for secure production supply of medical isotopes)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-04-01 al 2023-09-30

The EU remains the major world operator of high-performance research reactors (HPRRs) and supplier of medical radioisotopes. Low-enriched uranium (LEU) is key to ensure the secure supply of research reactors’ fuel and medical isotope targets in compliance with the Euratom’s international commitments on non-proliferation. Among the many challenges for each of the research reactors, securing their nuclear fuel supply is one of the most important challenges. In this project the EU support for RR fuel development is continued for three of the most promising LEU fuel systems with the additional specific objective to secure the future supply chain of medical isotopes (and research reactor services in general). Improving the understanding of the general fuel performance, optimizing the fabrication processes, verifying the performance by irradiation experiments, PIE, and finally improving the modelling capabilities is envisaged to lead to ‘general’ and future reactor-specific fuel system qualification.

This report has the objective to clarify the current status of the project reporting period 2, i.e. 18-36 months into the project. The fabrication development of the dispersion fuels (UMo and U3Si2) are covered in WP2; monolithic UMo fuel fabrication development is covered in WP3. The irradiations are performed in WP4 and the PIE, qualification data and modeling are covered in WP5. Education, dissemination and training is covered in WP6.
Tasks that were delayed by the COVID pandemic, especially related to the silicide and UMo monolithic fuel types (WP2 and 3) have proceeded well and nearly caught in time. However the UMo dispersion fuel fabrication (WP2) is seriously delayed due to the focusset on the silicide and on the monolihic fuel. The silicide mixed elements (WP2) have been fabricated and transported to the BR reactor for the irradiation experiment. The irradiations have started successfully. The UMo dispersion and to some degree the UMo monolithic fabrication delays have direct impact on most work packeges and tasks downstream, e.g. irradiation experiments and post irradiatiion evaluation. An extension request (in the form of an amendment) is prepaired simulatniously with the RP2 reporting.

In WP1 planning is being updated for the amendment of the project. In WP2, the fabrication has been successfully completed for the silicide fuel system and delivered to BR2 for the irradiation experiment. However, the UMo dispersion fuel plates (EF3) are seriously delayed being the main contributor to the extension to be requested in an amendment. In WP3, the monolithic UMo fuel fabrication (FM1) have progress well catching up on the delays from reporting period 1 (COVID). In WP4, the planning and design of the silicide fuel system has been completed and the irradiations have commenced. The planning of the experiments for the remaining 2 fuel systems is nearing completion and the reporting is expected to be finalized early 2024. The delays in fabrication for EF3 and FM1 has impacted the experiment starting times. In WP5 the fuel modeling and fuel database activities have continued. The sub-contracting for the implementation of the specification of the database has been done. The data input to the data base has been started for historical data. In WP6, the end user group has been updated on the project activities, a joint ILL-SCK/CEN-TUM summer school has taken place during the summer 2023 and the PhD on the supply chain of Mo-99 is advancing well.
In WP2, the qualification of the U-Mo fuel powder pilot atomizer has been performed. More than 50 electrodes were melted and atomized using inert material (stainless steel) and depleted Uranium. The qualification was achieved with success. Good quality UMo powder can be produced.

In WP2, the sub-task of forming high density fuel plates is in progress and the current focus is on the fabrication of ME-DEUS and ME-CHARTREUSE LEU U3Si2 high density curved plates. 10 plates of each type have been produced in depleted uranium for testing U3Si2 bending plate and to determine the bending parameter needed for LEU plates. The flat plates have been done and the bending is in progress.

In WP3, all the equipment for the monolithic UMo fabrication that was planned has been implemented in the Framatome workspace. The depleted Uranium developments are complete for alloying, ingot melting and canister welding. The hot-rolling tests are in progress using depleted U-Mo. The results are promising. Framatome-CERCA is confident to meet the time and quality for the FUTURE-MONO 1 experiment.
Figure 1. EU-QUALIFY Project Structure