Wegbereitung für erstklassige Materialinnovationen
Fortschrittliche Materialien bieten der europäischen Industrie und der europäischen Wirtschaft als Ganzem einen Wettbewerbsvorteil. Diese Materialien bieten neue oder verbesserte Eigenschaften und somit überlegene Leistung gegenüber herkömmlichen Produkten und Verfahren. Sie treiben Europas Umstellung auf umweltfreundlichere Technologien voran und tragen zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft bei. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt ADMIRE die nächste Generation der Forschungsleitenden in Europa im Bereich der Forschung zu fortschrittlichen Materialien weiterbilden. Das heißt, es wird interdisziplinäre und bereichsübergreifende Schulungen in strategisch wichtigen Bereichen der Forschung zu fortschrittlichen Materialien anbieten, ausgerichtet an den Stärken des AMBER: SFI Research Centre for Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research. Die ADMIRE-Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten werden an einem der acht wissenschaftlichen Partner von AMBER aufgenommen.
Advanced materials science is one of the key enabling technologies identified by the European Commission as boosting European competitiveness, creating jobs, and supporting growth. ADMIRE is an innovative postdoctoral fellowship programme providing interdisciplinary and intersectoral training in strategic priority areas of advanced materials research, aligned with the strengths of AMBER: SFI Research Centre for Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research. The aim of ADMIRE is train the next generation of research leaders in Europe in advanced materials science. A rigorous training programme will equip the fellows with the skills and flexibility to develop independent careers in their field of research in academia or industry. The ADMIRE programme will fund 12 two-year incoming fellowships in Ireland in the area of advanced materials, with fellows being recruited through 2 calls for proposals over the 60 month duration of the project. AMBER/TCD will contribute €1.19M to support the implementation of the programme, and will ensure that a fair, transparent, open and merit based recruitment process is implemented in the 2 calls.
ADMIRE fellows will be based in one of the 8 academic partners of AMBER, and they will have access to the full range of AMBER state of the art facilities and expertise at these locations. Principal investigators across the academic partners will supervise, host and train fellows. Industry partners will host fellows during secondment periods and will contribute to industry relevant training in the ADMIRE programme. Fellows will have complete freedom of choice in their supervisor, host institution and research topic, provided it aligns with the existing research priorities within AMBER. ADMIRE is an exciting new strategic endeavour which will contribute to AMBERs core mission of generating world-class materials innovations and translating these into impact communities nationally and internationally.
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MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Koordinator
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