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Large Passenger Aircraft Innovative Aircraft Demonstrator Platform

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - GAM-2020-LPA (Large Passenger Aircraft Innovative Aircraft Demonstrator Platform)

Período documentado: 2022-01-01 hasta 2022-12-31

The Large Passenger Aircraft IADP is focusing on large-scale demonstration of technologies integrated at aircraft level in three distinct ‘Platforms’ as follows:

Platform 1: “Advanced Engine and Aircraft Configurations”

The major objective of Platform 1 is to provide the development environment for the integration of the most fuel efficient propulsion concepts into compatible airframe configurations and concepts targeting next generation aircraft. Overall, the propulsion concepts considered in Platform 1 range from Open Rotor engine architectures over advanced Ultra-High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) turbofans up to “hybrid” propulsion concepts (combination of combustion - and electric-based components) for different levels of electrification of the power plant.

It is overall objective of Platform 1 that all technologies developed and demonstrated are following consistent target aircraft configurations and concepts, which means that the compatibility between airframe and propulsion technologies is ensured with respect to supporting the overall CS2 Objectives to reduce CO2 Emissions, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) as well as contributing to the reduction of aircraft noise.

Platform 2: “Innovative Physical Integration Cabin – System – Structure”

Platform 2 aims to develop, mature, and demonstrate an entirely new, advanced fuselage structural concept in full alignment towards next-generation cabin & cargo architectures, including all relevant aircraft systems.
To be able to account for the substantially different requirements of the test programs, the large-scale demonstration will be based on a number of demonstrators, covering the Next Generation Fuselage Cabin and Systems Integration in frame of the Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator and the Next Generation Cabin & Cargo Functions.
These major demonstrators will be supported by a number of smaller test rigs and component demonstrators in the preparatory phase of the programme.
Targeting to accomplish technology readiness up-to level 6, manufacturing and assembly concepts for the next generation integrated fuselage-cabin-cargo approach will be developed and demonstrated.
The activities for the demonstrators are supported by the WP2.4 the non-specific cross functions activities, which also support activities in ITD Airframe.

Platform 3: “Next Generation Aircraft Systems, Cockpit and Avionics” including advanced systems maintenance activities

Platform 3 main objectives are on one hand to bring to a high maturity level through appropriate demonstrators innovative and disruptive cockpit operations, functions and technologies for Large Aircraft, Regional Aircraft and Business jets, and to the other end to demonstrate an end-to-end service and value driven maintenance functions and tools suite.
For each one of the three cockpit demonstrations, the following enhancements are targeted:
- Safety enhancement through resilience to pilot skills evolution, error tolerant automation, improved situation awareness, human monitoring;
- Robust operations, reduced operational costs thanks to easier flight crew tasks, reduced workload, with optimized allocation between human and system
- European aeronautical industry competitiveness enhancement via evolutive cockpit design, Low cost and fast upgradability, “Shared resources Platform” concept, Applicative cockpit, reduced lead- time, design for security.
The technologies are developed and evaluated on ground or in flight, either under the frame of demonstration bricks or integrated demonstrators.

LPA activities of high relevance for Ecodesign were identified to contribute to the CS2 Life Cycle Assessment and a CS2 EcoDesign Life Cycle Inventory.
-OR installation architectures and design studies
-Advanced Rear end: main component delivered and virtual test started to validate the complete advanced rear end structural architecture, V&V plan up to TRL6
-Scaled Flight Demonstrator: all flight tests performed successfully
- HLFC on HTP functional tests and bird impact test successfully completed
- Distributed Electrical Propulsion demonstrator complted its Wind tunnel test and is ready for first taxis tests
-Test of a 2MW e-machine for future HEP architectures completed
-Powerplant system integration design finalized for UltraFan(r) FTD and Engine ready for first ground test
-WTT completed for Active Flow Control
-Test on scale one first prototypes almost fully performed for Active Vibration control on Bizjets
-SA²FIR CDR closure with clarification of remaining risk recovery actions
-Non propulsive energy: Power Unit test bench preparation completed and tests are about to start
-Report on numerical predictions of installed UHBR & jet flap interference
-Next Gen. fuselage cabin & system integration
Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator
Lower shell fuselage fully equipped delivered
Upper shell skin manufactured
-Next generation cabin & cargo functions
Technical feasibility for Environmentally Friendly Fire Protection has been demonstrated (TRL6)
Customizable Passenger Service Unit hardware demonstrator has been delivered (TRL4)
-Large A/C Disruptive Cockpit Int. Systems Management Function: proof of concept sessions provided significant outputs to focus now on TRL4
-New cockpit for Bizjets:
Pilot State Monitoring system reached TRL 5
Utility Management System reached TRL 6 via env. and performance tests
-New cockpit for Regional Aircraft: pilot workload reduction enabling functions and technologies successfully integrated and demonstrated

For the TE, new representative aircraft models have been built
These models have been integrated into a preliminary version of the final PANEM tool delivered in 2022 for the final Impact Assessment driven by DLR.

For Eco-Design, a common statement from the industrial partners has been reached during the last ECO TA review meeting.
All LPA technologies are aiming to contribute to a significant improvement of fuel burn efficiency, reduction of CO2 and NOx gaseous emissions and reduction of community and cabin noise for large aircraft. The developed technologies to integrate most advanced power plants and aerodynamically much more efficient wing technology by means of the application of laminar technologies to short-medium and long range aircraft operating at high subsonic speed is well beyond state of the art.

Structural concepts under development to design, manufacture and assemble next generation fuselages in advanced thermoplastic CFRP offer new opportunities in applying automated production and factory 4.0 concepts, which is well beyond the state of the art of current design concepts and production methods.
The disruptive cockpit under development for next generation large passenger aircraft is key to reduce crew workload, improve situational awareness and flight safety, and free up the pilot to focus more on tasks where human judgement, experience and piloting skills add better value, advanced cockpit systems and functions will substantially also reduce the pilot workload operating future business jets and regional jets.

Some of the LPA demonstrators, targeting TRL3 or 4 by end 2023 are paving the way of future demonstrators, which are being prepared in the frame of CAP such as ducted or unducted with associated technology bricks, the selection of hybrid-electric components and validation, via a scaled flight test, of distributed wing-mounted propulsion architecture
Pilot State Monitoring for Business Jet.png
SAAFIR test rig.png
HLFC on Tails Ground demonstrator.jpg
Scaled Flight Test model (D03).png