CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Generating Energy from Electroactive Algae


Lösung für das Problem der Energieskalierbarkeit von Bioenergiegeneratoren

Die weltweite Sorge über den Klimawandel hat sich in den letzten Jahren verstärkt. Viele Forschungsvorhaben widmeten sich der Erzeugung besserer, ökologisch unbedenklicherer Energieformen. Bioenergie, bei der Energie aus biologischen Quellen gewonnen wird, ist eine der vielen verfügbaren Energiequellen und erhält immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts GREEN ist der Aufbau eines weltweit führenden Forschungszentrums, dessen Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung radikal neuer, ökologisch unbedenklicher Arten der Energieerzeugung aus Algen liegt. Das Projekt plant die Einführung eines autarken Bioenergiegenerators, der eine höhere Leistung erbringt als die meisten hochmodernen Bioenergiegeneratoren, die derzeit in Betrieb sind. So soll die EU ihren Umweltzielen einen Schritt näher gebracht werden.


The aim of this grant is to establish a world leading research centre focusing on developing a radically different way to generate clean energy from algae. GREEN will deliver a self-sustainable bioenergy generator, with an output power of the order of W/m2 that is at least 100 times larger than current state-of-art bioenergy generators. The unprecedented enhancement in output power finally breaks the power scalability barrier for bioenergy generators and in this way delivers impact on the world’s renewable energy research trajectory.

I have recently discovered that a population of diatoms, a form of algae, communicate in a cooperative manner and produce long lasting large magnitude electrical oscillations. The discovery has been made possible through my recent breakthrough - I have developed a large area and low impedance transducer to record cooperative communication in cells.

My idea is to harvest the generated electricity from the algae. Using 2D electrodes, the output power is µW/m2, which is low. However, the power increases with the density of diatoms adhered to the electrode and with the electrical coupling of the cells to the electrode. By going from a 2D to porous 3D electrodes, and by optimizing the coupling an output power of W/m2 is within my reach.

To deliver the new bioenergy generator, it is essential to understand 1) which materials and 3D electrode geometries comprise larger cell densities and enable a more efficient charge transfer from the living organisms to the electrode 2) which organisms provide the higher output powers, and 3) how the electric circuitry will be developed to store and deliver the generated power.

This multidisciplinary research will advance the state-of-the-art by delivering a prototype for a new green self-sustained energy harvester, suitable for power scalability, through realising technological advances in 1) electrochemical electrodes, 2) cooperative signalling mechanisms in algae and 3) energy harvesting circuits.


ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 2 267 667,00
3004-531 Coimbra

Auf der Karte ansehen

Continente Centro (PT) Região de Coimbra
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 2 267 667,00

Begünstigte (1)