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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Advancing Novel imaging Technologies and data analyses in order to understand Interior ocean Carbon Storage

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ANTICS (Advancing Novel imaging Technologies and data analyses in order to understand Interior ocean Carbon Storage)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-10-01 bis 2023-03-31

Photosynthesis in the ocean converts approximately 100 Gt of carbon dioxide (CO2) into organic matter every year, of which 5-15% sinks to the deep ocean. The depth to which this organic matter sinks is important in controlling the magnitude of ocean carbon storage, as changes in this flux attenuation depth drive variations in atmospheric pCO2 of up to 200 ppm. Efforts to produce global maps of flux attenuation have yielded starkly contrasting global patterns, blocking our understanding of ocean carbon storage and our ability to predict it. The bottleneck is our ignorance of the spatiotemporal variability of the processes that control flux attenuation.
ANTICS will directly address this knowledge gap by using an innovative synthesis of cutting-edge in situ imaging, machine learning and novel data analyses to mechanistically understand ocean carbon storage. Using state-of-the-art imaging technologies, I will collect data on the size, distribution and composition of organic matter particles and measure their sinking velocity in the upper 600 m across the Atlantic. I will design a neural network model that allows the conversion of in situ images into carbon fluxes, and develop analysis routines of particle size spectra that quantify the processes causing flux attenuation: remineralisation, physical aggregation/disaggregation, fragmentation/repackaging by zooplankton. By statistically linking these outputs to seasonality, depth, primary production and temperature, I will be able to determine which processes dominate under specific environmental conditions. This step change in our understanding will allow ANTICS to resolve flux attenuation spatially and temporally. I will use this pioneering knowledge to validate and inform the parametrization of the marine biogeochemical component of the UK’s Earth system model used for carbon cycle forecasting in the next IPCC assessments.
- Data collection (particle size spectra, particle and plankton images, particle flux measurements, and turbulence measurements) on three cruises across the Atlantic, including a transect from the Falkland Islands to the UK
- Design and testing of new Red Camera Frame and data logger
- Testing, improvement and scientific deployment of new Marine Snow Catcher design ('Yuki'')
- Intercalibration between 4 imaging systems in order to compile continuous size spectra
- Development of image processing workflow for holographic particle images
- Conducting, analysing and publishing of community survey on the use of in situ imaging of plankton for large-scale ecosystem assessment and policy decision-making