Periodic Reporting for period 3 - Cells in Matrix (Cells in Matrix – an innovative 3D model for R&D of Diabetes)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-09-01 al 2023-02-28
The Cells in Matrix (CIM) Project aims to develop an innovative 3D model for R&D of Diabetes -an Engineered Micro Pancreas (EMP) based on organ-derived 3D scaffold combined with human insulin-producing cells as a novel tool for accelerating and reducing the cost of diabetes drug research and testing.
The project is based on collaboration between Betalin Therapeutics Ltd (BT) and Kugelmeiers (KG) both SME developing 3D cellular model systems. The consortium also includes academic research partners: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) and University Hospital Zurich (USZ). These research institutes study and develop new diabetes drugs and hence serve as design partners and beta site for the new disruptive approach.
The 3D EMP model developed by this collaborative FTI project mimics the natural human pancreatic insulin secretion and is comprised of two components: (1) a proprietary organ-derived 3D micro-scaffold called Micro-Organ-Matrix (MOM) is developed and manufactured by BT and (2) human insulin-producing islets extracted from cadaveric donors or stem-cell derived beta cells that can be grown in a standardized manner using KUG plate technology. The EMPs in combination with the proprietary plates will serve as a system for efficient screening of existing and newly developed diabetes drugs.
This technology is intended to be used by diabetes research centers, CRO companies and the pharmaceutical industry, it is expected to be cost-effective and enable a long-term culture of human-insulin-secreting cells and better predictability capacity.
The Partners are willing to invest resources and efforts in developing this disruptive new EMP technology that will promote preclinical testing and shorten the bench-to-market time and cost.
The main objectives of this project are to optimize, validate and industrialize the EMP component production, implement EMPs in trials at customer sites in cooperation between the partners and stakeholders, and penetrate commercial markets.
Exploitation and dissemination
The CIM consortium made efforts to disseminate the project's results and findings and raise awareness about the EMP technology and its potential benefits. BT has issued several press releases published in The Guardian, The Jerusalem post, and also in social media such as LinkedIn and YouTube. The newly aired website of Betalin Therapeutics also describes the technology and future endeavors. An internal conference was organized in Betalin to expose potential investors, potential pharma collaborators and opinion makers to our technology. Scientific papers were published in peer-reviewed journals: Nature Reviews Endocrinology, Cell Death & Disease and Xenotransplantation.
CiM project resulted in two potential products
1- Betalin MOMs based product combined with insulin-producing cells as a research tool (as well as a bio implant for the treatment of diabetic patients).
2- Kugelmeier’s SP5D based product
The high-throughput Sphericalplate 5D, allowing to generate uniform, size-controlled cell clusters at high numbers and clinical quality. The microwell structure enables mass production of the cells.
Feedback and input received during Cells in Matrix from possible users (academia, industry, pharma) confirmed demand for such a product. The outcomes of the CIM project will enable consistent planning of preclinical diabetic R&D and provide higher prediction reliability. The product is expected to accelerate and reduce the costs of research and drug development.
During P1, the development team accomplished the following:
• Developed an industrial manufacturing process for the MOM scaffold.
• Established a standard process for preparing islets and defined specific release criteria for islets to be used with the scaffold.
• Assessed automation capabilities by examining current market solutions and evaluating potential options that could be suitable for the product.
• Identified suitable suppliers for human islets and devised a plan to determine optimal shipment conditions.
• Explored alternative sources of beta cells and conducted feasibility studies with these cells.
In addition, during the first phase of this project, the consortium has established a detailed plan and study with the aim to deliver an improved method for human islets transportation around the world will benefit the entire islets community and resolve problems that many in the field are faced with.
In P2&P3, the development team achieved the following:
• Completed product optimization, including optimizing product components and commencing product manufacturing.
• Defined testing protocols and prepared samples for validation testing.
• Obtained authorization for importing a specific tissue derived from porcine for testing the MOMs with Islets at the partner's labs (since Islets cannot be shipped).