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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Institutional, BEhavioural, critical and adaptive economics towards SustaInable Development, management of natural capital and circular Economy


Umweltökonomie für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung

Die EU ist fest entschlossen, ihre Richtlinien und Praktiken an die Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Vereinten Nationen anzupassen. Seit deren Verabschiedung im Jahr 2015 hat die EU einen Übergang zu einer CO2-armen, klimaneutralen, ressourceneffizienten Kreislaufwirtschaft eingeleitet. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BESIDE will sich mit Fragen zu den finanziellen Auswirkungen dieser Umweltpolitik sowie den damit verbundenen Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten und Geschäftsmodellen der Kreislaufwirtschaft befassen. Das Projekt gliedert sich in vier Säulen: Institutionenökonomie, Verhaltensökonomie, kritische Ökonomie und adaptive Ökonomie. Der Lehrstuhl des Europäischen Forschungsraums wird die Rolle des koordinierende Forschenden übernehmen, fünf Forschende und drei Doktoranden finanzieren und die Ausbildung auf MSc- und Doktoratsebene unterstützen.


BESIDE aims to reinforce and consolidate at the University of Aveiro (UAVR) Associated Laboratory CESAM research expertise in Environmental Economics and Natural Resources (EENR). This will boost the existing fundamental and applied research activities by filling the identified gaps on: i) financial impact of environmental policies, ii) high-skilled jobs opportunities iii) circular economy business models. The ERA Chair will be hired for the position of Coordinator Researcher (full Prof equiv) and fund 5 researchers and 3 PhD students. CESAM has already 2 research positions in EENR and will support new advance training at MSc and PhD levels. BESIDE will be framed in 4 pillars i) institutional economics (how do institutions shape and constrain sustainable resources management); ii) behavioural economics (what is needed to provoke sustainable resources management); iii) critical economics (drawbacks and limits to as well as going beyond the ecosystem services approach); and iv) adaptive economics (model competitive advantages for existing and new businesses, and jobs). BESIDE is fully aligned with UAVR and CESAM goals and therefore in line with UN sustainable development goals for 2030, EU priorities that include the commitment for an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth based on knowledge and innovation and the shared pursuit of excellence, and with the national and Centro-Portugal region research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3). The contribution of an external Scientific Steering Committee gathering EENR top experts, will be essential to its scientific success, while CESAM’s Stakeholders Consultation Committee, with some of the main Institutions and Business representatives at the National and Regional levels, will ensure that it is relevant to promote a more efficient use of environmental resources and a more competitive, resilient and sustainable economy; designed to endorse job creation and assure territorial and social cohesion


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