CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Digital Healthcare ECOosystem research and innovation capability building

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DiHECO (Digital Healthcare ECOosystem research and innovation capability building)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-12-01 bis 2022-02-28

There is an urgent need to advance research and innovations on the application of multi-sided platforms (MSP) in digital health care to utilize digital technologies for the sake of value-based learning Healthcare sector. Value-based healthcare is of significant importance to society due to healthcare's better clinical and economic outcomes. Digital technologies can create added value in healthcare; however, relevant knowledge and competence are needed. The overall objective of the DiHECO project is to build the capacities of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) to conduct high-quality research in the field of digital healthcare management and, in particular digital healthcare services' multi-sided platforms.
DiHECO meets KTU’s needs through five specific objectives:
Objective 1. Implement experience-based learning through carrying out high-quality small-scale research and innovation initiatives in the field of multi-sided platforms of digital healthcare services;
Objective 2. Apply for grants to fund respective digital healthcare management research and collaborative projects involving KTU;
Objective 3. Develop the capacities for research and innovation management and administration at KTU;
Objective 4. Transfer KTU’s research outputs to digital healthcare ecosystem stakeholders;
Objective 5. Build capacities for offering better career prospects to early-stage researchers and step up in gender equality.
During the 1st reporting period, project partners have implemented education and training activities, also network development and grant applications. Strategy for engagement in international initiatives and Strategy for the joint grant application were created. Project partners have identified the most relevant international initiatives such as expert groups, interest societies, or associations related to digital healthcare management that they can join, link with or contribute to. Networking with academic peers was accelerated by participation in 3 international conferences (e.g. WOIC 2021 and ORCA 2021)
The capacities of KTU research and innovation management and administration were advanced by establishing new research projects’ management and administration specialists’ position at the School of Economics and Business. The work package activities have started with an audit and the recruitment of a research and innovation management specialist.
To reinforce links with the digital healthcare industry several reports were initiated and as an outcome industry-academia collaboration workshop, industry consultation, and KTU innovation management capacities audit reports were developed. Links with the digital healthcare industry were established in real-life during two events hosted during 2021 IEEE ICTE conference. These events brought together academic researchers and practitioners from the industry.
The overall promotion of the project and the dissemination of its outputs were addressed by using six tools: DiHECO’s visual identity (logo, website, and promotional material), Conferences and workshops, Academic articles, Press and digital articles , Audio/video digital post, and Training. All partners have contributed to maximizing the use of all dissemination channels. As a result of dissemination activities: the website of has received 530 new users; three academic conferences were attended; one academic track on the DiHECO topic was organized - "Digital Healthcare innovations", 2021 International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship: Leading Digital Transformation in Business and Society. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2021 08 26; two oral contributions to industry conferences and workshops took place: Panel session “How to produce and realize the value in digital healthcare platforms” 2021 International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship: Leading Digital Transformation in Business and Society. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2021 08 27; and SHS case-solving session, 2021 International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship: Leading Digital Transformation in Business and Society. Kaunas, Lithuania, 2021 08 27;
7 events were organized by DiHECO, that involve healthcare experts or policymakers: (1) DiHECO kick-off meeting; (2) DiHECO research workshops; (3) Advisory board meeting; (4) Health Data governance and EU proposal writing workshop; (5) Sharing best practice of drafting winning Horizon Europe Proposals and communicating available support workshop; and (6) Research methodology training workshops; and (7) DiHeco Paper Clinic. Besides, consortium organized staff exchange with UAB, Spain.
One publication – DiHeco concept paper - is prepared and submitted to the scientific journal Technovation.
Dissemination of project activities take place via Twitter and Linkedin; references to the DiHECO project are available on 9 other web pages; DiHeco project leaflet, poster, screen backgrounds are used as a means of project promotion;
Expected results and impact of the project:
– Increased proficiency of KTU’s researchers in digital healthcare service MSP research and innovation.
– Increased production by KTU of high-quality, open access peer-reviewed publications based on research done in digital healthcare management.
– The greater experience of a grant application for KTU researchers.
– Bigger international, cross-sectoral, and interdisciplinary networks of all types of stakeholders (academic, business, policymaker, and citizen-representative) for KTU.
– Applications are submitted jointly with the DiHECO consortium to sustain collaboration.
– New research and innovation management and administration unit in place at the School.
– Better understanding of the digital healthcare services value chain and end-users needs.
– Review of the innovation management capabilities of the KTU related research areas.
– Developed strategy and capabilities to align research with the needs of the stakeholders of the digital healthcare ecosystem and facilitate the exploitation of research results and technology transfer.
– KTU early-stage researchers’ skills for managing research and innovations, thus their careers improved.
– KTU early-stage researchers' knowledge of digital healthcare management research is up to date with the latest scientific and innovation developments.
– Professional networks of KTU and the consortium of early-stage researchers have grown.
– KTU early-stage researchers engaged in applying for ERC Grants.
– Gender parity was reached in the recruitment of younger researchers.
DiHECO kick-off meeting second day
DiHECO workshop