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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Value and Impact through Synergy, Interaction and coOperation of Networks of AI Excellence Centres

Risultati finali

Updated 2. Quality and Risk Management Plan

This plan will include internal arrangements for ensuring expected quality targets are met as well as mapping potential risks together with related mitigation measures

Update 1. Quality and Risk Management Plan

This plan will include internal arrangements for ensuring expected quality targets are met as well as mapping potential risks together with related mitigation measures

Communication & Dissemination Plan incl. EU AI brand toolbox

Comprehensive document defining target audiences appropriate set of tools and activities incl Corporate identity guide and basic toolbox of templates Annual updates to be foreseen

Minutes from annual meetings with coordinators and steering bodies of NoEs

Minutes of the annual consortium meetings These will including agreements on joint activities related to crossplatform challenges Platform Design Plat form Impact Evaluation and Platform Sustainability Plan

Updated 3. Quality and Risk Managment Plan

This plan will include internal arrangements for ensuring expected quality targets are met as well as mapping potential risks together with related mitigation measures

Update 1. of Communication & Dissemination Plan incl. EU AI brand toolbox

Comprehensive document defining target audiences appropriate set of tools and activities incl Corporate identity guide and basic toolbox of templates Annual updates to be foreseen

Vademecum FSTP

A FSTP support package a vademecum that will include templates for CfP Terms and Conditions Evaluation Manuals a vademecum of the whole process launching the calls evaluating proposal awarding funding following EU principles of openness and transparency

Industrial outreach, Industrial Innovation Management and Industrial Visibility Plan

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the innovation activities within the four NoE and their industrial visibility to be updated in M12 M24 and M36

Platform designed and launched, Platform impact evaluation and sustainability designed

Formation of joint working groups for tackling challenges that span multiple NoEs and may include experts from institutions beyond the NoEs if needed to supply additional expertise or capabilities this will be done in close consultation with the NoEs

Template for Theme Development Workshops

This report will contain best practices and help the NoEs to run and organize TDWs in their areas

Strategic paper on integrated EU AI networks, titled “Towards classification of European AI research and innovation topics”

Outline of the the highlevel strategic ambitions of VISION for AI community as a whole

Initial Meeting minutes

Notes from the first consortium meeting

International Outreach Report

Initial analysis evaluating the progress and impact of the implementation of international outreach plan

Interim Design of a European AI PhD Curriculum & Training Initiatives

Overview of key components of proposed AI curriculum

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