Periodic Reporting for period 2 - UMA3 (Unique Materials for Advanced Aerospace Applications)
Berichtszeitraum: 2021-12-01 bis 2023-08-31
Specific objectives of the project are to improve the transfer of knowledge between academia and industry establishing a long term collaboration strategy and sustainable network of the UMA3 partners, which facilitates to help the dissemination of the achievements of the research and improve the links with UNIMI-FMSE for future research activities at regional, national and European level,
and to foster the research in the mainstream areas of advanced materials for aerospace applications, enhancing the promotion and preparation of highly trained and skilled ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) and engineers in the aeronautical sector. Further aims are: to strengthen UNIMI-FMSE research excellence in advanced aerospace materials solutions, to boost the research profile of UNIMI-FMSE and UMA3 partners,to inspire the R&I activity of UNIMI-FMSE, project partners and Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county and North Hungary region, to enhance the mobility of both early stage and experienced researchers within the UMA3 network, to strengthen the research management and administration profile of UNIMI-FMSE and to contribute and support research and innovation priorities in synergy with the RIS3 strategies.
In general the UMA3 project aims to boost the scientific excellence and innovation activity of UNIMI-FMSE, as well as implementing a research and innovation strategy.
Three trainings and one seminar were already held. The seminar was held on the 21st April 2021, regarding “European funding best practices. Succeeding into the new research and innovation programme Horizon Europe”, lead by the ICAMCyL with their wide range of experience in the topic. The first training (April 27th - 29th 2021.) detailed the general administration of EU projects, emerging concepts regarding the aviation industry and brainstorming sessions titled as “Next horizon for Europe: the new research and innovation programme''. The second training (July 5th – 7th 2021.) discussed intellectual property rights and commercial exploitation with experts and entrepreneurs involved from the commercial sector, the training seminar was titled as “Training in innovation”. At last, the third training held at 13-15. December 2021, with a large audience consisting of the partners and their contacts. The presentations had a wide range of topics from the “Advanced materials for aerospace and aeronautical applications” to “Additive manufacturing for aerospace materials” and “Modelling and simulation, testing of materials”. Overall, these four events had large audiences and had good impact at the partners. Visit UMA3 website for more information and follow the project on social media (Twitter and LinkedIn) to stay updated with its latest news and activities.
The professional work of UniMi's doctoral students and ESRs (Early Stage Researchers) in this field was supported by the knowledge transferred. A PhD student participating in the doctoral program of Stipendium Hungaricum started to deal with the sintering of stainless steel in the framework of the project. For the implementation the partners contributed with their own achievements and research.
The trainings, workshops and seminars organized so far in the framework of the project were closely related to the research topic of the project and took place successfully with great interest.
We have coordinated and invited the participants of the Space Industry Cluster to our events in order to find out what common application opportunities are available in this field.
The concept of an integrated knowledge centre (Excellent Centre for Advanced Materials, ECAM) in UMA3, is based on the creation of a value chain of knowledge of research entities in the scope of Powder Metallurgy, additive manufacturing, PVD (nano) coatings, and fully 3D investigations.
During this period of disruptions, when innovation redefines the future success of organizations, it is extremely important to provide a coherent network that allows and promotes the transnational cooperation of researchers/academia and industry. The UMA3 members join forces to develop new material systems and create new solutions, whilst utilizing their competencies (knowledge, human resources, infrastructures) and cooperate in a synergistic manner.
The knowledge transfer between partners is realized on each topic, led by an internationally recognized researcher. The implementation of UMA3 is linked to the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) for Advanced Vehicle and Machine Engineering Technologies and Intelligent Technologies for Research and Development of Special Materials at county level. The implementation of the project is fitted on the Institution Development Plan of the University of Miskolc in the framework of the Centre for Excellence of Advanced Materials and Technologies and is carried out by the Special Materials Scientific Workshop: in Modern materials, Nanotechnology, Aerospace Applications topic.
In the framework of the project an industry analysis were carried out, with the partners in Fig.1 to map the goals and requirements of our partner, based on which we create an excellence hub with the industry and universities involved. This will promote the networking of the partners and at the same time, assist in achieving individual developments and innovations as knowledge centre. Furthermore, it could provide the framework for joint application for further tenders and calls.