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Risultati finali
Three Events
DRES2Market RoundtablesThree roundtables to be organized in M18, M23 and M26
DRES2Market websiteOnline DRES2Market website
DRES2Market Simulation EnvironmentsSet of simulations tools that will be applied to assess about the impact of different solutions and approaches to enable the variable renewable energy penetration
Technical and regulatory solutions to enhance the participation of large renewable energy facilities in energy and ancillary services markets
Articles (four) in prestigious publications to present DRES2Market resultsElaborating four articles in prestigious publications to present DRES2Market results From M15 to M30
DRES2Market economic assessment methodology to evaluate the proposed solution to enhance renewable energy penetration:Set of KPIs
DRES2Market regulatory harmonization recommendations for RES integrationRecommendations for harmonization of the regulatory frameworks grid codes and market rules
Barriers for large integration of renewable energies in electricity and ancillary services marketsIdentification of technical regulatory and administrative barriers for the variable renewable energy penetration
DRES2Market Simulations ResultsResults of the simulation processes
DRES2Market recommendations for standards focused on RES integrationSet of technical recommendations for the recommendations about the technical characteristics of equipment devices and components to enhance large RES penetration
DRES2Market approaches for enhancing the penetration of RESApproaches for enabling the active participation of variable renewable energy in markets grid codes market rules and operative procedures and effective collaboration of the consumers frameworks
Economic, environmental and social impact due to the effective integration of the prosumers in the electricity markets and systemsAssessments focused on evaluating the impact of selfconsumption active demand management on the electricity supply costs and the electricity and ancillary services prices the environmental impact the reduction in energy dependency and mitigating energy poverty based on examples of people affected by energy poverty
DRES2Market NewsletterFour newsletters
DRES2Market project brochures for schools and universitiesElaboration of the brochures for schools and universities to explain the goal of the project
DRES2Market arguments to obtain the social acceptance of the RES based on their positive characteristicsEconomic social and environmental arguments based on project results to increase the social acceptance of renewable energies
Communication PlanDetailed communication Plan for the whole project
DRES2Market Simulation evaluationEvaluation of the tested approaches for the effective integration of variable renewable energy in the electricity market and the provision of ancillary services according to technical regulatory economic and environmental criteria identification of the most promising approaches best practices and learnt lessons
D2.2 DRES2Market solutions for the participation of distributed generation based on variable renewable energy in electricity and ancillary services marketsAccurate schemes production equipment storage devices smart technologies and active demand approaches to enable the active participation of distributed generation in the electricity and ancillary services market
Open access to research data plan includes the criteria and measures to Deposit in public data repository to make it possible for third parties to access the data to understand the assessments that will be carried out Provide information for validating the Project results
Hanna Bartoszewicz-Burczy
Pubblicato in:
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae, Numero Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022), 2022, Pagina/e 67-77, ISSN 2719-826X
Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW
Pubblicato in:
Transformacja Rynków Energiee. Gospodarka - klimat - technologia – regulacje, 2022, ISBN 978-83-8030-597-7
Grazyna Wojtkowska Lodej
Pubblicato in:
Energy Markets in Transition. Economy - Climate - Technology – Regulations, Numero 94-1, 2023, ISBN 978-83-8030-598-4
Wojtkowska-Łodej G., Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH
Pubblicato in:
Technological space and the well - being residents. (Polish: Przestrzeń technologiczna a dobrostan mieszkańców.), 2020, ISBN 978-83-66800-63-2
Fundacja na Rzecz Czystej Energiee
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