CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Characterization and HARmonization for Industrial Standardisation of advanced MAterials

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CHARISMA (Characterization and HARmonization for Industrial Standardisation of advanced MAterials)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-05-01 bis 2023-10-31

The aim of CHARISMA is Raman spectroscopy harmonisation to facilitate the use of web-based FAIR databases and executable applications, allowing widespread implementation of Raman characterisation of nanomaterials in the industry and, in general, an open and more efficient use of this technique, enabling comparison and linking experimental data. The activities in the first 18 months of the project have resulted in important advances toward this direction, and more specifically towards the fulfilment of the following objectives:

Objective 1: Normalise the harmonisation of Raman spectroscopy in the NMBP Community.
Objective 2: Model to harmonise Raman spectroscopy
Objective 3: Harmonise Raman spectra
Objective 4: Harmonise Raman characterisation data
Objective 5: Generate a FAIR Raman data repository
Objective 6: Demonstrate the performance of harmonised Raman characterisation across domains in real industrial cases.
Objective 7: Standardise Raman protocols.
CHARISMA is proposing new concepts and defining strategies to offer a validated and accessible tool for Raman harmonisation.

The coordination and dissemination teams, via WP 1 and 8, have been working hard to ensure acceptance and future use of CHARISMA’s tools for characterisation in the NMBP domain, including extended onsite delocalised use and industrial implementation. CHARISMA’s WP2 is modelling the materials identified in TF2 to provide an experiment-free characterization where the factors affecting the Raman response are clearly identified, revealing data complementary to, or even inaccessible by experiment. WP3 has designed an instrument harmonisation procedure based on a set of reference materials, including commercial samples and innovative developments, and experimental protocols that is under validation by internal Round Robin. WP4 has provided the software tools to harmonize spectra by applying calibration, noise removal, baseline correction, and normalisation, and store them in a common format along with the applied processing steps. CHARISMA database has been designed in WP5 and it addresses FAIR principles through metadata harmonization and usage in several search engines. The metadata is being harmonized collaboratively using CHARISMA Wikidata instance. ELODIZ, in collaboration with the industrial partners, has designed Raman units and measurement protocols for 3 demonstrators. To successfully transfer the results from CHARISMA to a standard, two steps are required first, which have been accomplished by WP 7.
CHARISMA has a strong impact in several different technological and scientific areas, including (but not limited to): producers of spectroscopy systems, industrial users of Raman spectroscopy, the future of applications of Raman-active materials, scientific research in physics, chemistry, materials science and biomedicine. In addition, it will strongly promote the business of the industrial partners of the consortium in the areas of nanocatalysts, document security and active packaging for food.
Analysing the state of the art and taking it into account within the project helps to guarantee that the results will respect existing practices, enhance interoperability and reach a better market application. Participation in standardization activities and collaboration with standardization committees will also help reducing any existing or future barrier from the standards side that could affect the project impact. Furthermore, the Standardization system constitutes itself an efficient and fast information and knowledge transfer structure, the communication with the correspondent standardization committees at European and international contribute to enhance the impact of CHARISMA.