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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Coordinating and synchronising multimodal transport improving road, rail, water and air transport through increased automation and user involvement

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Ethics, security, and gender balance plan

Describes the identification and monitoring of ethical issues Special care will be given to the topic of security Moreover the plan will address the gender dimension of the project

Plans for dissemination and a strategy

Describes strategy and plans for the dissemination of results This will be aligned with the Communication strategy and plan This deliverable will be continuously refined during the project Report periodically

Intermediate evaluation results from Living Labs

The intermediate evaluation results from deployment of tools and models in multimodal traffic management ecosystem (MTME) Living Labs are provided. Focus is on needs for improvements before the next iteration. A revised evaluation handbook is also included to improve and adapt the evaluation approach before the final evaluation.

White paper to policy makers for a European multimodal traffic management ecosystem

The deliverable (R2) includes the target and actions needed to implement a multimodal traffic management ecosystem (MTME) from a legal and regulatory point of view so as to foster and facilitate multimodality deployment in the context of automation. This deliverable also includes the roadmap on regulation and standardisation.

Plan for ORCHESTRA's Living Labs

Plan for the Living Labs, including: Stakeholders involved, tools to be used, systems to be integrated, scenarios to addressed (those to be simulated included), use cases to be piloted, and training sessions to be accomplished are described.

Intermediate PMA for multimodal traffic management

The intermediate version of a Polycentric Multimodal Architecture PMA for a multimodal traffic management ecosystem MTME It describes of the system of interest stakeholders and concern intermediate use cases intermediate description of logical services intermediate requirements intermediate information models and identification of interfacesThe content of the deliverable will later be developed further to a final version of the PMA

Evaluation handbook

The evaluation approach and KPIs to be used for the evaluation of the multimodal traffic management ecosystem (MTME) are defined as well as data collection methods and plans for data analysis.

Pre-Studies on environment analysis and drivers

PreStudy are provided on legal and regulatory status quo actor and market analysis security and safety issues psychosociological ethical aspects and acceptance and technical and organisational considerations The studies will provide the context in which multimodal traffic management will operate

Summary of project achievements

Summarises the goals, approach, final achievements and lessons learned of the project, intended for a wide audience. Includes summary communication and dissemination strategy and results.

Recommendations and lessons learned

Lessons learned of relevance to industry, academia, society, and policy makers with respect to multimodal traffic management ecosystems (MTME).

Communication strategy and plan

Defines target audiences and the key messages and type of engagement needed with each group. Defines different channels and mechanisms to be used for communication. Will be continuously refined during the project. Report periodically.

Handbook on contractual and administrative implementation

A study on the contractual and administrative implementation of organisational and business models.

Evaluation outcome

The final evaluation results from deployment of tools and models in multimodal traffic management ecosystems (MTME) Living Labs and simulations are provided.

Training trials for multimodal traffic management

The training scenarios and set ups are described as well as the lessons learned from the training sessions accomplished with relevant stakeholders.

Final PMA for multimodal traffic management

The final version of a Polycentric Multimodal Architecture (PMA) for a multimodal traffic management ecosystem (MTME). It describes of the system of interest, stakeholders, and concerns; requirements, including a smart infrastructure classification scheme; use cases and logical services; information model and interfaces; and collaboration models.

Initial use cases for multimodal traffic management

Initial description of the system of interest with respect to a multimodal traffic management ecosystem MTME stakeholders and concerns Initial versions of relevant use cases are also provided as well as an identification of logical services The content of the deliverable will later be developed further in and intermediate and final version of a Polycentric Multimodal Architecture PMA for MTME

Initial scenarios for multimodal traffic management

Initial version of the main trend scenarios for a socioculturally accepted regarding the multimodal traffic management ecosystem MTME

Handbook on organisational, business and market models

A study on possible MTME organisational and business models, facilitating flexibility and resilience and centralised as well as local management structures.

Final exploitation strategy and roadmap

Detailed plans for exploitation of results and knowledge including market quantification and sales strategy, definition of joint ventures and partnerships, IPR management, organizational aspects, and financial plans. Report periodically.

Initial target vision for multimodal traffic management

A shared initial target vision for a MTME first draft for guidance of the project and update

Training Modules

Training modules for operative multimodal traffic management.

Final scenarios for multimodal traffic management

The final version of the target vision multimodal traffic management ecosystem (MTME) and main trend scenarios for a socio-culturally accepted MTME.

Open research data

Anonymous research data published as open research data as defined by the DMP. The datasets are also documented to facilitate re-use.

Simulation Architecture

Description of the simulation design for a multimodal traffic management ecosystem, covering the different levels of abstraction.

Data management plan

Describes the research data generated processed and analysed within the project as well as the data flow and exchange within the project consortium Documentation of technical solution for secure data storage will be included Moreover it provides the internal procedures for dealing with the collection and handling of data whereas the goal of FAIR data will be implemented The DMP is a living document and will be updated throughout the project

Final Living Labs

The deliverable has who components• Final system deployment, including necessary refinements and enhancements required• Final report from the Living Labs. Stakeholders involved, tools and systems involved and how they are integrated, scenarios piloted and simulated, use cases piloted. Lessons learned from the pilot and simulations are discussed both with respect to the operation of the Living Lab as well as the establishment process.


Concepts for Future Traffic Management Supporting Automation, Multimodal Coordination and Resilience

Autori: Natvig, Marit K. and Stav, Erlend and Stene, Trine Marie
Pubblicato in: Research in Transportation Business & Management (currently for review), 2023
Editore: SSRN
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4493781

Acceptability of a Multimodal Traffic Management. One of the key performance indicator of the ORCHESTRA project (Poster presentation).

Autori: Chloe Eyssartier, Anne Freiberger, Benjamin Grosse, Marit Natvig, Isabelle Roche-Cerasi, Ludovic Vaillant
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: TRA Conference 2022

Using a board game to explain a concept model: Experience from multimodal traffic management

Autori: Erlend Stav, Marit K. Natvig, Trine Marie Stene
Pubblicato in: Journal of Transport & Health, Numero Volume 38, 2024, ISSN 2214-1405
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2024.101880

A Novel Auction-Based Truck Appointment System for Marine Terminals

Autori: Ilias Alexandros Parmaksizoglou,Alessandro Bombelli, Alexei Sharpanskykh
Pubblicato in: Logistics, 2024, ISSN 2305-6290
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/logistics8020040

Drivers for multimodal traffic management

Autori: Abdulghani Al Sabouni, Anne Freiberger, Benjamin Grosse, Anna-Katharina Hübers, Sophie Kamenz, Simon Kaser
Pubblicato in: Transportation Research Procedia, Numero Volume 72, 2023, Pagina/e 2347-2354
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2023.11.726

Multimodal Traffic Management (MTM) – Future Training emphasizing Collaboration and Coordination

Autori: Trine Marie Stene, Elisabeth Skuggevik
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Numero Vol. 25 No. 1, 2024, Pagina/e 799-808, ISBN 978-1-917204-10-1
Editore: Academic Conferences International Limited
DOI: 10.34190/eckm.25.1.2741

Community of Practitioners – Ensuring relevance and resilience of future Multimodal Traffic Management

Autori: Stene, Trine Marie
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023), 2023, Pagina/e 2140-2147
Editore: Research Publishing, Singapore
DOI: 10.3850/978-981-18-8071-1_p092-cd

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