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CardioSignal – Breakthrough apps to detect cardiac conditions to prevent stroke and heart attacks

Descrizione del progetto

Applicazioni basate su smartphone per il rilevamento delle malattie cardiovascolari

Le malattie cardiovascolari provocano milioni di decessi ogni anno dovuti, per oltre l’80 %, a infarto miocardico e ictus. Il progetto CARDIOSIGNAL, finanziato dall’UE, svilupperà un pacchetto di applicazioni per smartphone al fine di rilevare le condizioni cardiache e salvare vite umane. La tecnologia rivoluzionaria sarà in grado di individuare la fibrillazione atriale, l’insufficienza cardiaca e la coronaropatia senza necessità di hardware aggiuntivi. Impiegherà infatti il giroscopio e l’accelerometro di uno smartphone posizionandolo per 60 secondi sul torace dell’utilizzatore per misurare l’attività cardiaca, nonché le analisi dei dati su base cloud, per effettuare una diagnosi. Le applicazioni per il rilevamento della fibrillazione atriale sono state completate e clinicamente testate. L’attuale progetto prevede lo sviluppo di applicazioni per insufficienza cardiaca e coronaropatia, a cui faranno seguito approvazione normativa e lanci in UE, USA e Cina.


CardioSignal is a suite of breakthrough smartphone apps to detect heart conditions and save lives. It will be the first technology to identify atrial fibrillation (AFib), heart failure (HF) and coronary artery disease (CAD) - all without extra hardware.

Using CardioSignal, people at risk of serious cardiac conditions and their doctors can monitor their heart function quickly and at low cost. The app measures chest vibrations and analyses data in the cloud. Patients with abnormalities are directed to immediate medical attention.

It outperforms Apple Watch, which cannot accurately detect AFib and is incapable of detecting CAD & HF.

Context: 49 million Europeans suffer from cardiovascular conditions annually, resulting in heart attacks and stroke. Early detection and follow-up could save millions of lives.

Solution: CardioSignal apps use a smartphone's gyroscope and accelerometer to measure heart activity across six parameters. Users place the smartphone on their chest for 60 seconds. The cloud-based platform analyses data and returns a diagnosis.

Business Model: (1) HF & CAD: B2B sales to private healthcare companies, big pharma, diagnostics firms. Pharma companies Roche and Novartis are ready to conduct trials, leading to major contracts. (2) AFib: B2B2C sales.

Market Opportunity: 300M potential users in EU, 1B globally. €4.2B TAM in target countries.

Company: Precordior Oy, a medtech spin-off from University of Turku, Finland. Team of 13 highly experienced cardiologists, technologists and sales experts. €3M in funding secured, ready to grow.

Progress: V1 app for AFib detection complete, clinically proven. 19 patents secured. EU Seal of Excellence.

Project: Develop new apps for HF and CAD. Obtain regulatory approval. Launch across EU; US and China to follow.

Impact by 2025: 1.27M at-risk patients and doctors using app daily in EU, USA and China. €85M revenue, €38M EBITDA, 250 FTE.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 962 625,00
20100 Turku

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Manner-Suomi Etelä-Suomi Varsinais-Suomi
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 2 803 750,00