CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Science in the City


Journal Publications

Peer-reviewed journal publications stemming from this collaboration open to all participating ERNs to contribute to. The evaluation report will focus on understanding what aspects of our ERN events worked most and least effectively and why.

Report on Impact Assessment

Final report on impact assessment of SitC produced by QA (Partner 4) which will be open access. The report will include the number of responses of both the pre- and post- surveys, the tools used, the main trends and conclusions. The questionnaires and interviews will also be made available. The streamlined evaluation across multiple ERNs means that our evaluation report could also include considerations on how findings are similar or different to the overall results across the participating ERNs. The evaluation report will be professionally graphic designed using images from our ERN- as well as infographics- to enhance its ‘shareability’ both for those involved in our ERN and to share with others running ERNs elsewhere.

Community Focus Group report

● A report summarising the outcomes of the community focus groups will be published.

Knowledge sharing sessions with other ERNs

Knowledge sharing session with other ERNs so we can compare notes on ‘lessons learned’ and work on developing our community of practice around the evaluation evidence we have collected.


A webinar session with Dr Jensen will be conducted to allow all the partner organisations and activity organisers to ask questions of the evaluators and request further clarifications and elaborations on aspects of the findings that our stakeholders feel would be beneficial.

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