CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Next generation traffic management for empowering CAVs integration, cross-stakeholders collaboration and proactive multi-modal network optimization

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FRONTIER (Next generation traffic management for empowering CAVs integration, cross-stakeholders collaboration and proactive multi-modal network optimization)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-05-01 bis 2022-10-31

Mobility is undergoing an unprecedented transformation as it enters a new era where connectivity becomes seamless, electric and automated vehicles are incipient, and a multitude of disruptive mobility services and business models are changing the ownership and market landscapes. Also, the continuous demographic shift and consequential urbanisation, with an estimation that by 2030 60% of the global population will be living in urban areas, places significant pressure on the transport networks that serve large conurbations. This transition brings a considerable level of uncertainty to traffic and network management operators who are called to handle almost seamlessly integrated multimodal services and deploy network management strategies and plans in infrastructures of varying technological readiness under mixed traffic environments where automated and conventional vehicles will coexist. Stakeholders thus need to be prepared to provide solutions for effective traffic and network management strategies, processes and tools that will address these problems under continuously changing conditions for demand, as well as dealing with the technological shifts between now and the coming decades.

The EU-funded FRONTIER project will empower a seamless transition to a new era in transport management, by establishing the processes of collaboration and arbitration among stakeholders while ensuring the commercial viability of the identified solutions. FRONTIER will develop, apply and test autonomous management systems, secured by design, that will constantly evolve using data generated from real-time monitoring of the transportation system, knowledge generated by operators and decision makers, and simulation models providing system optimal solutions accounting for new mobility services and technologies. These systems will support and enact proactive decisions, realising our vision to empower a seamless transition to an autonomous and integrated transport management for future mobility services.

These solutions will have a direct impact on Society: significantly decrease high levels of congestion, which affects citizens in their daily life; ensure networks’ resilience also in extreme situations, improve the Citizen’s quality of life by supporting the reduction of transportation related emissions (including CO2, NOx and particulates), adhere to sustainability goals set by EU regulations, and improve citizens’ safety for the realization of a zero traffic accidents vision.

FRONTIER will be validated in three pilot sites (Oxfordshire UK, Athens GR and Antewerp BE). FRONTIER follows an efficient multidisciplinary approach bringing together partners from 5 universities and research institutes, 7 companies, 5 transport authorities from three diverse European countries, one testbed for traffic management and one international road federation.
FRONTIER started in May 2021, with the kick off of the main project activities. After setting the main Management, Ethics, Dissemination and Communication rules in the first months, the consortium released the State-of-the-art and Practice Report as a baseline for the FRONTIER developments.

All the Work Packages are active, from the definition of Requirements and Scalable Architecture for future mobility network and traffic management, to the technical and business developments, which include the Data fusion, traffic monitoring and smart sensing developments, the Multimodal network and traffic management tools, the Decision and Evaluation Traffic Management Services, the Multi-actor Organisational and Business Models, the Autonomous Cyberphysical Traffic & Network Management Engine, and finally, the preliminary preparation of the pilot cases.

The consortium is currently finalizing the initial version of Requirements Specification, enriched by the outputs obtained in several stakeholders Workshops and individual interviews, in which key players from the traffic management domain were invited.

FRONTIER will release shortly the results from the work done on network models, use cases and conceptual architecture, as well as the Knowledge Representation and Storage.
The FRONTIER consortium will organise its 3rd General Assembly on the 9th and 10th May 2022, in EURECAT premises in Barcelona.
FRONTIER will develop, apply and test autonomous management systems, secured by design, that will constantly evolve using data generated from real-time monitoring of the transportation system, knowledge generated by operators and decision makers, and simulation models providing system optimal solutions accounting for new mobility services and technologies.
FRONTIER will be validated in three pilot sites (Oxfordshire UK, Athens GR and Antewerp BE) focusing on three main themes: Smart Infrastructures and CAVs integration; Multimodal mobility for passengers and freight cross-stakeholders collaboration; Network performance analysis for planning and policy making.
FRONTIER results will improve citizens quality of life as well as safety with respect to mobility, whereas the acquired knowledge will be spread to facilitate skill transfer at an industrial, business, research and societal level. Network and traffic management is also relevant for open innovation, by engaging the society in dissemination actions though e.g. social media discussions.

Oxfordshire, UK
Oxfordshire is located on the North Sea Mediterranean TEN-T Corridor. It consists of the city of Oxford and four other boroughs and has approximately 683,200 residents.
Expected outputs:
• Trials for CAVs at UKAEA RACE using communications systems linked to traffic management systems, as well as dissemination of key learnings.
• Review of key factors affecting CAV-to-traffic management interfaces, including cybersecurity considerations
• Digitalisation of communication between vehicles and local authority-led Traffic Management (currently aimed at the manual driver)
• Stronger international partnerships and a unified approach between partners for future network management to optimise the way people and goods move in cities and regions

Attiki Odos motorway, Greece
Athens is a large cosmopolitan metropolis and central to economic, financial, industrial, maritime, political and cultural life in Greece. The Athens pilot will be featuring the deployment of the FRONTIER platform along the Attiki Odos toll road and motorway, along with key interchange points with links to urban multimodal infrastructure.
Expected outputs:
• Quantitative and qualitative impact assessment for new forms of mobility
• Roadmap for V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) and V2N (vehicle-to-network) functionality for future traffic management applications
• Assessment of interconnected, integrated and interoperable network of systems and organisations

Port City of Antwerp
The port of Antwerp is the second busiest Port in Europe and is have for freight trips from all over Western Europe.
Expected outputs:
• Roadmap for future freight traffic management applications
• Assessment of interconnected network of organisations
• Arbitration models for dealing with private conflict of interests