CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Disruptive materials, technologies & approaches to unravel the role of Astrocytes in brain function and dysfunction: towards to Glial interfaces

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ASTROTECH (Disruptive materials, technologies & approaches to unravel the role of Astrocytes in brain function and dysfunction: towards to Glial interfaces)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-11-01 bis 2022-10-31

The past four decades demonstrated that non-neuronal cells, called astrocytes are emerging as crucial players for brain function & dysfunction. A major obstacle of previous and current initiatives on Neurotechnologiesis a lack of focus on astrocytes and most of the tools used to probe and sense astrocytes are derived from those developed to study neurons. ASTROTECH will create and develop the field of Glial Engineering, to provide a consistent range of tools to record, study, and manipulate astrocytes in the healthy and diseased brain. ASTROTECH will train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) on research, training and complimentary skills aiming at: engineering biomaterials and nanostructured interfaces to provide in vivo-like in vitro models for controlled & reliable studies of astrocytes in vitro; fabrication and characterization of nanostructured devices for stimulation, recording and biosensing of astrocytes; optogenetics tools, optoelectronic device &photonic methods for precise and cell selective stimulation of astrocytes; computational approaches to describe and predict neuron-astrocytes interactions. The training on state-of-the-art biomaterials interfaces, electronic, photonic devices will be combined with in depth knowledge on optogenetics, neuroscience, glial physiology and biology and computational methods to validate the developed tools in vitro, ex vivo, in silico & in pathological models of glioma, ischemia, epilepsy and depression. The ASTROTECH network combines 11 beneficiaries and 14 partners belonging to 9 European and Non-EU countries Academia, Public Research Centers and industrial labs, that combines interdisciplinary, intersectoral and soft skills knowledges where the private sector is highly represented and covers every step “from benchside to bedside” of the value chain.
ASTROTECH will improve career perspectives of the next generation of scientists. Nonetheless, ASTROTECH will set the scene for novel tops to be used in neuroscience investigation as well for novel therapeutic approach for invalidating neuropathology's such as ischemia, glioma, depression and epilepsy.
The activities of the action implemented during the first year were mainly centered on management of the project. The latter will be detailed in the present report and will include general description of: i) Preparation, submission and signature of the Consortium Agreement, ii) Kick-off meeting, ASTROTECH Info-day, iii) Project Management Boards Definition, iv) Project Dissemination and Exploitation Plan and actions already undertaken, v) Organization of the Recruitment, vi) Supervision of the recruitment strategy and selection occurred at each Beneficiary and Report on Recruitment, vii) Scientific and Training activities of Each ESR viii) Organization of the First ASTROTECH School in presence, ix) Monitoring of the enrolment of the ESR in the PhD program in alignment with the GA and CA. x) Collections of Career Development Plan for each ESR enrolled. xi) Monitoring of the respect of the Ethical rules at Beneficiaries and Partner sites and Collections of each Document permission requested by Ethical Summary Report and submission as specific Deliverables. T
The activities of the second year were centred on 1) Completion of the hiring 2) preparation revision and signature of the Amendment to the Grant Agreement 3) Implementation of training and research activities at each partner sites according to the DoA. 4) Implementation of Training Schools according to the DoA. 5) Preparation and implementation of the Mid-term Check meeting in Bologna. 6) Continuous monitoring of the Scientific and Training Progress of the ESRs. 7) Implementation of secondments of ESRs. 8) Dissemination of the project objective and preliminary achieved results at international conference and meetings through organization of dedicated sessions on the ASTROTECH topics. 9) Internationalization through participation at Global level events such as Italian-US bilateral commission in Science and Technology in Advanced Materials and Biophysics and Organisation of thematic workshops at International Conferences
Despite decades of research, including heavily funded Human Brain Project (EU) and BRAIN (NIH) initiatives, our understanding of the big picture of brain functions is still incomplete and insights on neuro-pathophysiological conditions and diseases (such as cerebral ischemia, glioma, epilepsy and depression) are very limited. This lack of knowledge inhibits our ability to provide the proper treatment of neurological conditions and meet this major societal challenge. It was estimated that there were 127 million Europeans living with a brain disorder and disease out of a population of 466 million. The total annual cost in healthcare of brain disorders in Europe was estimated in a range between €386 to 700 billion in 20101. The frequency of epilepsy alone in Europe in 2004 was 4.3-7.8 per 1,000, leading to an estimated total cost of €15.5 billion in 2010. This societal challenge call for an urgent action to develop better diagnostic tools and treatments, which require major technological and conceptual advances1. A major obstacle of previous and current initiatives on Neurotechnologies is a lack of interest in non-neuronal brain cells, called glia, which are as numerous as neurons.
ASTROTECH will create and develop the field of Glial Engineering, to provide a consistent range of tools to record, study, and manipulate astrocytes in the healthy and diseased brain.
ASTROTECH will train the next generation of brain scientists with the required skills in the supradisciplinary field of Glial Engineering.
ASTROTECH will provide knowledge and tools that will fill major gaps in our current understanding and provide unprecedented opportunities for seeking new ways to treat, cure, and even prevent brain disease such as epilepsy, glioma, ischemia and depression.
ASTROTECH ambition is to provide device and approaches that allow producing a revolutionary new dynamic picture of the brain to record, process, utilize, store, and retrieve vast quantities of information, and on how these processes are compromised in pathologies.The latter not only represent a crucial societal issue, but also substantially add to the public expenditure for medical and non-medical care of patients. The socio-economic impact resulting from a potential treatment of these pathologies, will be a very attractive challenge for the biopharmaceutical sector. Entrepreneurial initiatives coming from the new generation of experts and scientists will be equally considered.
Sucha P, Hermanova Z, Chmelova M, Kirdajova D, Camacho Garcia S, Marchetti V, Vorisek I, Tureckova J