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Cross-scale concurrent material-structure design using functionally-graded 3D-printed matematerials.

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - XS-Meta (Cross-scale concurrent material-structure design using functionally-graded 3D-printed matematerials.)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-09-01 al 2023-08-31

XS-Meta is an Innovative European Training Network with the objective of training a new generation of researchers in multiscale material-structure design of high-technology structural systems, using functionally graded 3D-printed metamaterials.

Additive manufacturing is a rapidly increasing market and turning into a mature technology that brings new scientific and industrial opportunities, and a new paradigm in the design of industrial components. 3D printing is reaching finer resolutions, allowing for the design of "materials’’ consisting of printed optimized microstructures which result, at the continuum observational scale, in salient or tailored mechanical properties which are very different to those of the base material used to print the component. Metamaterials largely expand the design space bringing a continuum spectrum of materials with tailored and unique properties, which may be different at different locations in the component with not relevant added cost. Thanks to this change in paradigm, components may be designed at dual scales, optimizing not only the geometry of the component, but also the material at every location in that component, resulting in industrial components made of functionally graded metamaterials, where the material at each location in the component is unique. To address this industrial challenge there are many complex technologies which need to be developed in multiple fields: manufacturing, material science, mathematics, modeling, machine learning, topology optimization, component design, virtual prototyping and component prototype certification. The multinational, multidisciplinary and multisectoral consortium in XS-Meta takes a definite step towards developing all needed aspects for bringing the functionally-graded metamaterial technologies that will shape the future of the European industry.

The range of industrial application fields of the technologies is large: aerospace, defence/security, automotive, biomechanics, virtual prototyping, etc.

XS-Meta is a change of paradigm by which both the component topology and the metamaterial topology are simultaneously optimized through double inverse analyses and surrogate physics-based models obtained by data-driven techniques.

XS-Meta facilitates a multisectoral and multinational hands-on network research experience for the recruited Early Stage Researchers in a large value-added technology of high societal interest that will be key for the competitiveness of the European Society, and for the future of a new generation of researchers.
Prototypes engineered using the technologies developed in the project will be printed in a titanium-based alloy (Ti64). Coupons of the selected alloy have been printed, analysed and tested. These tests allow for the characterization of the mechanical behavior of the base printed material taking into account a variety of printing conditions. Multiscale models are being developed in the consortium to cross scales in constitutive modeling, from the scale of the printed base material to the component (continuum scale), going through the metamaterial (cell) scale. Surrogate modeling techniques are also being developed to perform inverse analysis and determine optimum metamaterial topologies at every location of the component and their deployment along the component. Special techniques for multiscale analysis of non-periodic materials as functionally graded metamaterials, are being developed. Prototypes in the automotive and aeronautical industries are being designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the technologies being developed in the project.
The technologies developed in XS-Meta will allow for the multiscale design of industrial components considering both global design objectives as weight reduction and local design objectives, as localized ductility, strength or targeted local behavior. There are several technological challenges that we will address in XS-Meta as objectives. (1) Generate models for the simulation of 3D printed materials at large strains, including hyperelastic and plastic behavior. (2) Develop approaches for addressing the inverse problem efficiently, determining the adequate metamaterial cell from requirements at each location of the component. (3) Develop algorithms for deploying in a acomponent metamaterial cells that change with location. (4) Develop techniques for multiscale analysis for graded (non-periodic) metamaterials. (5) Develop data-driven surrogate models capable of crossing scales from the 3D printed base material to the continuum. (6) Develop model order reduction techniques suitable for parametrized analysis and design based on component objectives. (7) Demonstrate the capabilities in the design of industrial components of high-added value.
XS-Meta has Societal Objectives which are being pursued in the network. (1) Provide excellent training and supervision of Early Stage Researchers which will shape the future of the European industry. (2) Promote the exploitation of the 3D printed components using functionally graded mechanical metamaterials. (3) Forge cooperation between scientists from different countries and different sectors to get advantage of synergies and common objectives in diverse groups.
Metamaterial-based component and XS-Meta consortium