CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Explainable Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence


Übergang von „Blackbox“ zu „Glasbox“

Was ist künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und wie funktioniert sie? Für viele Menschen sind diese Fragen nicht einfach zu beantworten: Dies liegt daran, dass viele Algorithmen für maschinelles Lernen und Deep Learning nach ihrer Ausführung nicht untersucht werden können. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt XMANAI wird sich auf erklärbare KI konzentrieren, ein Konzept, das der Idee der „Blackbox“ beim maschinellen Lernen widerspricht, bei dem selbst die Designer nicht erklären können, warum die KI zu einer bestimmten Entscheidung gelangt. XMANAI wird einen „menschenzentrierten“, vertrauensvollen Ansatz entwickeln, der in realen Fertigungssituationen getestet wird. Ziel ist die Transformation der Wertschöpfungskette innerhalb der Fertigung mittels „Glasbox“-Modellen, die für eine Bedienperson erklärbar sind und wertebasierte Erklärungen liefern.


"Despite the indisputable benefits of AI, humans typically have little visibility and knowledge on how AI systems make any decisions or predictions due to the so-called “black-box effect” in which many of the machine learning/deep learning algorithms are not able to be examined after their execution to understand specifically how and why a decision has been made. The inner workings of machine learning and deep learning are not exactly transparent, and as algorithms become more complicated, fears of undetected bias, mistakes, and miscomprehensions creeping into decision making, naturally grow among manufacturers and practically any stakeholder
In this context, Explainable AI (XAI) is today an emerging field that aims to address how black box decisions of AI systems are made, inspecting and attempting to understand the steps and models involved in decision making to increase human trust.
XMANAI aims at placing the indisputable power of Explainable AI at the service of manufacturing and human progress, carving out a “human-centric”, trustful approach that is respectful of European values and principles, and adopting the mentality that “our AI is only as good as we are”. XMANAI, demonstrated in 4 real-life manufacturing cases, will help the manufacturing value chain to shift towards the amplifying AI era by coupling (hybrid and graph) AI ""glass box"" models that are explainable to a ""human-in-the-loop"" and produce value-based explanations, with complex AI assets (data and models) management-sharing-security technologies to multiply the latent data value in a trusted manner, and targeted manufacturing apps to solve concrete manufacturing problems with high impact."

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€ 391 886,89
20093 Cologno Monzese

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Nord-Ovest Lombardia Milano
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 391 886,89

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