CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Advanced design, monitoring , development and validation of novel HIgh PERformance MATerials and components


Bahn frei für umweltfreundliche Materialien

Da der Klimawandel fortwährend zu mehr Sorgen und Gefahren führt, haben zahlreiche Erfinderinnen und Erfinder aus vielen verschiedenen Branchen und Sektoren vor, umweltverträgliche Produkte und Technologien zu entwickeln und einzuführen. Diese neuen Technologien umfassen häufig die Entwicklung oder Einführung neuer Komponenten oder Materialien, welche den Sektor revolutionieren könnten, da die Umweltauswirkungen gemindert werden. Das Fertigungsverfahren und die Wertschöpfungskette können von der Einführung neuer Materialien und Komponenten, welche Ökosystemen schaden, mitunter leider negativ betroffen sein. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt HIPERMAT möchte dieses Problem angehen, indem Erfinderinnen und Erfinder bei der Gestaltung, Überwachung, Entwicklung und Abschätzung von Verfahren für neue Materialien und Komponenten sowie der entsprechenden Auswirkungen auf die Wertschöpfungsketten unterstützt werden.


The main objective of HIPERMAT is the empowering of future low carbon technologies with new materials and components by their enhanced environmental impact reduction across the value chain. At least two new bulk refractory stainless steels, a high entropy alloy and a ceramic coating will be developed through advanced modelling, hidrosolification, LMD and ceramic coatings in new beam and ring prototypes with embedded sensors in a hot stamping furnace. This objective will be achieved by setting a strong basis gathering all manufacturing conditions across the value chain: from the manufacturing of main components (beams and rings) by sand casting and centrifugal casting, the engineering in the furnace construction and the final use of the equipment in hot stamping companies.These data will be used to develop the strategies for materials selection, embedded sensors development, environmental continuous assessment, advanced modelling, data capture and main tests to be performed for material and component validation. After this, materials will be tested for high temperature performance properties such as thermal fatigue, creep, crack growth rate and wear/corrosion. In parallel, new manufacturing technologies such as hidrosolidification, LMD and ceramic coatings will be developed and tested in component like geometries towards an easier and faster approach to final solutions. All these activities will be supported by advanced modelling architecture based on a combination of thermodynamic, thermokinetics, fluids dynamics, heat interchange and metal solidification physics together with model predictive control tools based on in artificial intelligence. The combined effect of material and technologies will be finally tested in component like geometries and, once validated, transferred to prototype components represented by beams and rings that will be integrated in a real furnace together with embedded sensors for continuous monitoring and comparison with standard components.

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€ 551 625,00
48200 Durango

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Noreste País Vasco Bizkaia
Research Organisations
€ 551 625,00

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