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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU



Berichtszeitraum: 2022-04-01 bis 2023-09-30

PLURAL aims to design, validate, and demonstrate a palette of versatile, adaptable, scalable, off-site prefabricated Plug-and-Use (PnU) kits. The key challenge of the project is to understand how to select and integrate various renewable energy technologies, incorporate them in prefabricated façade components and optimize their performance for different building types, climates, and socio-economic conditions. PLURAL demonstrates the integration of hybrid, passive and active, systems into one kit and their ability to work together in synergy for façade retrofitting, reaching NZEB.
High expectations of net zero-energy state through deep renovation schemes require efficiently integrated HVAC systems and RES, as well as full exploitation of heat recovery and passive systems. Smart windows, nano-enabled coatings and adaptive control systems also play a crucial role in the energy balance and optimization of the multifunctional kits. The PLURAL hybrid prefabricated Plug and Play envelop components are called Plug-and-Use (PnU) kits since they additionally account for user requirements. PLURAL developed three types of prefabricated façade systems for deep renovation of residential buildings without the need of major alternation in the existing façade. The core PnU kits and the demonstration sites are:
- SmartWall demonstrated at the Greek demonstration building, which is a social shelter for homeless/low waged families, self-standing and located in Voula-Vari-Vouliagmeni (VVV) municipality, Athens, Greece
- Denvelops Comfort© with the eAHC (external Advanced Heat and Cool recovery) unit to be demonstrated at the Spanish demonstration building in Terrassa, which is a multifamily residential block forming part of a dense urban structure in Terrassa-Barcelona
- ConExWall with the eWHC (external Wall Heating and Cooling) unit to be demonstrated at the Czech demonstration building in Kasava, which is a double residential house located in a natural environment in Kasava, Czech Republic.
PLURAL also includes three “virtual” building demos in Switzerland, Germany and Sweden for further validation of the performance and operation of the PnU kits.
In order to enhance the level of occupant satisfaction PLURAL adopts a user-centric approach that implements learning based control methods and strategies.
A Building Information Modelling (BIM) based platform (LYSiS) and a Decision Support Tool (DST) (MODEST) are developed to enable the optimal component selection, and integration, best PnU kit design, faster and low-cost manufacturing and installation. Additionally, PLURAL focuses on how to manufacture the PnU kits minimizing energy use and material waste (implementing lean manufacturing principles).
The project aims to create best practice renovation examples for the residential sector based on innovation and competitiveness, with benefits for the citizens and the environment; to develop training tools for main stakeholders (planners, installers, building owners and end users); to improve the life cycle based (LCA, LCC) performance standards applied in the building sector.
The core achievements of PLURAL during the M1-M36 have been:
• PnU kits: Completed design, manufactured prototypes and completed testing of the PnU kits at pilot conditions based on the three Core Systems. Optimized high performance windows with ventilation and heat harvesting functions.
• Toolboxes: Completion of a “toolbox” for each PnU fully loaded with “smart” features for local and remote control of the PnU. Developed “supervisory control strategy” for each building. The toolboxes are operational and dedicated to each PnU kit.
• Control strategies: Smart Energy Management (SEM) methodology based on simplified RC building model and related control strategies designed for the demo cases linking building management to the PnU operation has been completed.
• IT and decision support tools: LYSIS and MODEST platforms have been completed and are operational.
• PnU manufacturing: Developed flexible manufacturing, assembly and installation processes, adaptable to the specifications of PnU kits, based on the LEAN management system.
• Demonstration / Validation: Technical status, architectural design and renovation requirements for the three real and the three “virtual” demonstration buildings have been completed. BIM models have been completed for the three real demo sites. Monitoring methodology for the three real demo cases has been defined. Renovation of the Greek demo site is completed, and monitoring has started. The renovation of the Spanish and Czech demo sites is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2024. Risks and mitigation actions for the renovation delay of the two demo sites are analyzed.
• Simulation campaigns: The simulation campaigns for the PnU kits and their implementation at the real and virtual demo buildings before and after renovation are completed.
• Assessment: Evaluation of KPIs for energy, comfort (thermal and visual), time, cost and environmental monitoring and assessment performed and regularly updated. The use of KPIs for the monitoring and the decision support tool has been realized. The LCA/LCC/s-LCA activities are progressing. Industrialization, marketing and business model development are ongoing.
• Dissemination and communication: website, social media, newsletters, articles in journals, publications in conference proceedings, 1 common positioning paper and press releases and clustering activities.
PLURAL goes beyond the state of the art in multi-functional off-site prefabrication and the demonstration of the integration of passive and active systems into one kit and their ability to work together in synergy for façade retrofitting, reaching NZEB. It has been demonstrated that:
- The SmartWall can be used for façade restoration of residential buildings located in every European climatic zone.
- The ConExWall can be applied in all climate zones, but especially for cold climates. It is more suitable for central and northern European countries.
- The Denvelops Comfort can be installed only on the external side of the façade and is suitable for most European countries except from Nordic conditions with extreme heating demands, while the system can be modified in order to cover the heating and cooling demands of the Southern countries (Mediterranean condition with high cooling needs).
The PLURAL PnU kits can successfully integrate RES (PVs, OPVs, solar thermal systems, various types of heat pumps, ventilation, air-handling, hydronic systems) and achieve efficient operation. Storage (thermal, electrical) and low carbon footprint materials and components could be part of the PnU design. The PnU kits can be a flexible solution for retrofitting including EV-charging. They are an effective “integrated” solution for decarbonised, adaptative and regenerative Built Environment.
Renovation with the PnU kits can lead to reduction of retrofitting time and resource requirements by at least 50% compared to current renovation processes for the same building type.
PLURAL will offer to the market three innovative, versatile fully prefabricated façade products that - as demonstrated – can significantly accelerate the renovation process.
Visual representation of the three PnU kits developed in PLURAL
Visual representation of the digital implementation of the PLURAL concept
The R&D pillars that PLURAL follows to reach NZEB hybrid renovation