Gesundheitsorganisationen aus der EU und Afrika näher zusammenbringen
Die personalisierte Medizin ist ein bereichsübergreifendes Gebiet, das nur erfolgreich sein kann, wenn Fachwissen und Daten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und Sektoren zusammengeführt werden. Genau daran arbeitet das Internationale Konsortium für Personalisierte Medizin (ICPerMed). Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EU-Africa PerMed möchte afrikanische Länder an den ICPerMed-Aktivitäten teilhaben lassen, damit die personalisierte Medizin weltweit eingeführt werden kann. Dazu sollen gemeinsame Projekte und Programme zwischen Europa und Afrika gefördert und die bilaterale Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden Kontinenten bei den Themen Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation im Gesundheitswesen gestärkt werden. Konkret wird das Projekt entsprechende gesundheitsbezogene Einrichtungen in Afrika ausmachen, kontaktieren und einbeziehen. Außerdem wird es Bereiche von gemeinsamem Interesse finden und Synergien aufspüren.
The EU-Africa PerMed project has the final objective of integrating African countries into ICPerMed activities as a means to contribute to the implementation of Personalised Medicine (PM) in the the global context, fostering joint PM projects and programmes between Europe and Africa, and strengthening bilateral EU-AU science, technology and innovation (STI) in health. On the long run, incorporating African countries in the global PM research agenda can contribute to shorten existing health disparities between developed and developing countries, as well as facilitating access of African countries to new tools and technologies that have the potential make health care more efficient and equitable.
The specific objectives set for the project are 1)To identify, contact and engage with relevant health-related organizations in Africa to interact and work with throughout the project; 2)To explore and analyse with relevant stakeholder, the potential for and advantages of collaboration in PM between Africa and Europe, identifying areas of mutual interest; 3)To foster and facilitate the integration of health research funding and policy organisations from AU countries in the ICPerMed consortium and participate in the ERA PerMed funding scheme; 4) To seek synergies and align with activities of ongoing EU-Africa research programmes and other by-regional policy actions (such as EDCTP); 4)To carry out capacity building and training activities addressing relevant PM issues for Africa and 5)To contribute to raising awareness of PM and the benefits of a closer inter and intra-regional collaboration, in order to advance in the implementation of PM.
As COVID19 is showing, addressing global health challenges is only possible by building and strengthening international scientific cooperation. EU-Africa PerMed will work towards fostering a stronger global collaboration in PM, and by this, better addressing global health challenges such as infectious diseases and future pandemics.
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