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Bioprinting on-chip microphysiological models of humanized kidney tubulointerstitium

Descripción del proyecto

Un modelo bioimpreso de riñón humano

La lesión renal aguda (LRA), causada por fármacos o virus, puede dar lugar a una insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC). En la actualidad, existe una falta de modelos «in vitro» relevantes y adaptados para estudiar tanto la LRA como la IRC. El proyecto BIRDIE, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo abordar esta cuestión mediante el desarrollo de un modelo tubulointersticial (TI) de riñón humano, «in vitro» y tridimensional a partir de células humanas primarias y células madre pluripotentes inducidas. Los científicos emplearán la bioimpresión y tecnologías de órganos en un chip para desarrollar el modelo TI, que resultará muy similar a la fisiología del riñón natural. El modelo de BIRDIE debería ayudar a estudiar las enfermedades renales y a identificar tratamientos específicos para cada paciente.


Eight hundred and fifty million people worldwide are currently affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is also the 11th leading cause of mortality worldwide. CKD can occur from a multitude of causes including diabetes and high-blood pressure. Moreover, recent clinical and experimental studies have shown that CKD is closely interconnected with acute kidney injury (AKI) as well. Currently available in vitro models show limited relevance to study AKI, especially drug- and virus- induced AKI, due to the poor functionality and relevance compared to a diseased human tissue. BIRDIE aims at developing three-dimensional (3D) in vitro human renal tubulointerstitium (TI) models to enable viral infection and nephrotoxicity studies while creating a robust platform to address other diseases and treatment innovations in the future. Two enabling technologies, bioprinting and organ-on-chip, will be combined to build a microphysiological relevant TI model. Primary human cells and induced pluripotent stem cells will be used to generate kidney models, and combined with the aforementioned techniques model envisioning a reliable screening platform for future patient specific therapies. Our ambition is to create a new 3D renal in vitro model allowing an unprecedented degree of mimicry and function compared to a human kidney. While developing the model focusing on the applications mentioned before, our goal is to make it broadly applicable to the multitude of kidney-related diseases.

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 057 150,00
6200 MD Maastricht
Países Bajos

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Zuid-Nederland Limburg (NL) Zuid-Limburg
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 057 150,00

Participantes (4)